Why Procreation Isn’t Necessary For The Survival Of The Human Race

Why do humans spend so much time and energy on procreation/reproduction when it isn't necessary for their survival?

When it comes to human life and its complex being, giving birth is considered one of the miracles mankind could witness. What exactly is birth? Birth is the emergence of a whole new individual from the physical body of a parent, precisely a female.

It is most certainly true that out of all the complex processes a human being goes through every day like digestion, immunity building, heart pumping, etc., ‘reproduction’ (giving birth in layman’s terms) is the only process that a human being is not required to perform to sustain himself/ herself. Despite being a multiplex process, humans don’t actually ‘need’ to reproduce and procreate to preserve themselves. Then why do almost all humans spend so much of their time, energy, and resources on a process which isn’t even needed by them for their survival?

One plausible explanation for this could be the existential need for carrying forward your genes and blood and preserving your legacy. Others suggest societal obligations to have a child and develop a family or simply future insurance for your senility. No matter what the need or reason is, procreation should always be a matter of choice and not a matter of obligations or carrying bloodlines.

A human being’s purpose is far more than giving birth to an individual. A human doesn’t have to be a father or a mother to be great or have a name in the world. A classic example of this theory is the honourable man, Mr. Ratan Tata, who didn’t stress on the fact that having his legacy is something that he requires for his sustainability and credibility. Despite having a huge business empire, which itself is a dream for many, Mr. Ratan Tata, didn’t emphasize the need to carry his genes, just to ensure his legacy in the empire continues, as he believes that a company is different from the individual carrying it.

Carrying the very same reasoning forward of having a choice to procreate, several individuals are judged in society for choosing to remain childless or even the individual whose body doesn’t allow them to become parents, even if they want to. Why is it so hard for people to understand that the entity of an individual is not just limited to giving birth and sustaining a child?

A human being is more than their physical capabilities. You can be an intellectually great person, with a high level of emotional intelligence and critical skills. You can be an excellent candidate for your job or even be an entrepreneur. It is not justified that happiness derived from the birth of a child should always be considered the only source of ultimate human happiness. Certainly, the happiness derived from the painful process of birth isn’t ‘not worthy’, it definitely would be, but treating it above all like it’s the only way of achieving it isn’t healthy either. Giving birth is pro-choice. No one should be obligated or judged into choosing to live a life differently.

Image Credits: Andre Hunter | Unsplash 

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Mehar Juneja

A writer, who writes for a cause. Deeply committed to raising awareness and advocating for critical social issues, aiming to inspire action and positive change through my work. Whether it's through thought-provoking articles read more...

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