Founder Of Fermata, Harmeet Kaur Says, ‘Having The Right Co-Founder Is Very Important!’

Harmeet Kaur, the founder of 'Fermata Career Guidance' talks about the significance of having the right partner in a venture.

Excerpts from an interview with the founder of ‘Fermata’ Harmeet  Kaur, which offers career counselling, coaching, and training services.

When did you start Fermata and what was the intention?

Fermata was started in May 2008 with the purpose of starting one’s own venture. 

What was the biggest challenge you faced in starting the company? 

Starting a company requires registration and co-founders in case of a partnership or private ltd. Finding a reliable and cost-effective CA firm was a challenge.

What is the biggest mistake you made while starting your company in the initial few years?

The biggest mistake was to not have the right co-founder.

If there was one thing you could advise to a budding woman entrepreneur, what would it be?

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If starting solo, then either start post-experience or work under a mentor. If starting with a partner, then having the right partner who has the same value system. That is very important!

(Women’s Web, in collaboration with HEN India, will present a series of interviews with women entrepreneurs on Mondays. ‘HEN- Her Entrepreneurial Network’ is a community of Indian Women Entrepreneurs, connected by a vision to inspire, inform and support each other.)

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Sonia Chopra

Sonia Chopra is Senior Editor, Women's Web and has over 15 years of writing and editing experience. read more...

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