Those Wonder Years!

Oh, the gloriousness of childhood. The memories of childhood!

Oh, the gloriousness of childhood. The memories of childhood!

Childhood full of climbing trees and eating fruit off them. Uncomplicated days and talking into the nights… Recollections, memories of another age, a different time!

Those Wonder Years!

The trees we climbed ,

recollections etched in the mind.

The smooth bark of the guava tree ,

fruits bitten by the naughty parakeets.

memories of another age, a different time.

Uncomplicated days and talking into the nights,

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those passionate sibling fights,

the movies we saw and enjoyed.

The hot afternoons we chilled inside,

feasting on sweet mangoes , you and I.

The sudden downpour , the monsoon rain,

the heavenly smell of wet land,

as we pranced about drenched to the skin.

It’s a shared history our parents have left us behind.

The matchbox doll furniture , you made

was priceless in my eyes,

I kept aside the sofas , the chairs

the carpenter so meticulously had designed.

You came proudly for my races,

only to be embarrassed ,

for despite the many practices,

I struggled to keep up with the rest.

Cherished memories of a bygone time.

I teased you for your reserve,

you wondered at my nerve.

When I light-heartedly called Mom, Mother Hen.

I  think you couldn’t believe your ears.

Do you remember that time ? Brother of mine.

We were so different and yet so alike.

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About the Author

Vinita Mohan

A Writer, Poet and a former Teacher who is an avid painter, practices Reiki , is a Tarot card reader and an Angel therapist . She has published a book of poems titled..... "My He-man" which read more...

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