A Mother’s Wish

The journey of a mother watching her son grow from a naughty brat to a responsible human being.

Walking along the sandy beach ,

the cool breeze playing it’s song on the gentle waves

a prayer arose from deep within

may this beauty be ,

ever present

in your life my little one.

I am sure you heard

as you grew within

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and felt your mother’s love

and dearest wish ,

that when you come into this world

you are met with only God’s supreme grace.

As I walked on I spoke to you

my unborn baby

and today as you leave me behind

to venture out

into the vast unknown

I am proud as can be

but I am also a tad sad.

Yet my son all will be well

if you’ll always hold your head up…high

and walk through the ways of life

with courage and truth by your side.

That is all I wish

that is all I want

and if you promise me

that you’ll always be

a good human being

I’ll part from You

with a smile and an easier heart.

Love you my son,

love you a lot.


Image via Pixabay


About the Author

Vinita Mohan

A Writer, Poet and a former Teacher who is an avid painter, practices Reiki , is a Tarot card reader and an Angel therapist . She has published a book of poems titled..... "My He-man" which read more...

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