5 Things To Do When A Loved One Has Depression: An Illness So Simple Yet So Complicated…

Depression is complicated to understand, as it can't always be read on the face of the person, or measured. How do you help a loved one suffering from depression/ anxiety disorders?

Depression is complicated to understand, as it can’t always be read on the face of the person, or measured. How do you help a loved one suffering from depression/ anxiety disorders?

“Why get depressed when you have everything?” A common response to those suffering from depression.

People are still not aware that depression is an illness like any other illness, and it just pops up without considering your highs and lows. A person might be looking all good and cheerful but their heart may be beating at the rate of 120/150 per minute.

The sickness is complicated to understand, as it cannot be read on the face of the person or measured. How do you help the person suffering from depression/ anxiety disorders? Here are few ways to help them deal with it.

Stop questioning and let them be

Do not question why the person is feeling depressed. They are not depressed by their choice.

Break their pattern or normal routine

Spend more time with them. Talk to them. Go out for a walk with them. Watch movies, listen to good music, eat good food and maybe some cuddling could help.

Don’t get tired of pampering them or showering them with extra love

They need to feel that they are not alone in this journey. Someone else is struggling with them too. So the illness has to lose in the end.

Make them laugh, crack silly jokes, dance and stay calm and positive

It’s challenging and tough, and you might drain all your energy while struggling to help them. Don’t let yourself get frustrated at the same time.

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You need to laugh and make them laugh. Dance and dance along. Staying calm and positive yourself is the key, as they are going to take their own time. They don’t have control over it. It triggers them and goes away in its own time. Our timeline doesn’t work.

Do not hesitate to consult a doctor or therapist

Yoga and exercise help but they should be in a condition to wake up, get up, and start practising all these healthy habits. Therapists or doctors may be of great help to motivate them and reach a level of coping with it through yoga exercise.

Depression is a common illness but people are hesitant to talk about it. It can happen to anyone and anytime. It’s a struggle to wake up every day and start your day, eat and go to sleep at night juggling with the struggles of life. It is so simple and yet complicated to understand for a normal human being. At least we can try being kind and appreciate their effort as we cannot keep ourselves in their shoes.

Image source: Polina Zimmerman on Pexels

Check with your doctor first

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