Where Are Those Who Must Wake Up And Smell The Injustice In This Horrific Unnao Incident?

Savarna feminists have been conspicuous by their absence all day in the voices raised against the horrific incident against 3 young Dalit girls in Unnao yesterday. Where's the sisterhood?


Savarna feminists have been conspicuous by their absence all day in the voices raised against the horrific incident against 3 young Dalit girls in Unnao yesterday. Where’s the sisterhood?

Since yesterday afternoon, most Indian feminists have been celebrating the victory of acquittal for Priya Ramani in the MJ Akbar defamation case. Certainly a HUGE win for the #MeToo movement. There was a surge of sisterhood as so many of us congratulated Ramani and put out messages on our respective social media handles.

But where is our sisterhood today, when a young Dalit woman needs our help? Is our feminism selective, and only for high profile, Savarna women?

According to this report, yesterday evening, 3 young Dalit girls were found in a field in Unnao, UP – two girls aged 13 and 16 were found dead, while the 3rd, 17 years old, was critical.

The report says, “The police said that the three girls had gone to their fields to cut grass and bring fodder for their cattle on Wednesday afternoon but did not return till late in the night… The family of the girls said that the hands and feet of the girls were tied with their dupatta and they were frothing at the mouth, indicating that they had been given poison. The brother of the 16-year-old girl, in his statement to the police, said, “I spotted my sister along with my two other cousins with their hands and legs tied.”

The critically ill girl has been taken to a hospital for treatment, but DBA feminists have been calling out for better treatment at AIIMS, and have called out for financial help. This is a verified handle helping the families of the victims and survivor.

Where are the Savarna feminists?

But as far as I can see, it is mostly only the DBA feminists who are speaking up. Why aren’t the rest of us? Surely Dalit women’s lives are just as important as those of the rest of us?

Full disclosure – I am possibly stepping out of line to say this here, as a Savarna feminist. But I am quite ashamed of my sisters, those who have celebrated yesterday, those who noticed young girls being jailed only after Disha Ravi was arrested – as someone called it out, surely, we must have noticed that Nodeep Kaur is a young woman not much older than her.

This is what one of us had said then – a rare post by a Savarna feminist.


A very valid point.

When will we wake up and realise that if our feminism is not intersectional, our feminism is just a performance we put up in front of the world? Should we wake up and speak up only when it is those we consider “ours” are affected? Aren’t these girls and women “ours” too?

I actually searched so many of the feminists who were in celebration mode yesterday, by name. Nope. As a friend said in a chat, I understand that not everyone is on social media most of the times. But it is not possible that no one has spoken up!

Let me lead you to some tweets.



Yashica Dutt, author of Coming Out As A Dalit, tweeted

Apathy, and also antipathy at work?

Today morning, almost 12 hours after the incident came to light, this was the status of police action.

Many of them were worried about what the UP police might do, as their (mis)action in the Hathras case is now known.

And it has panned out exactly as feared. The area has been barricaded, and the Unnao police has swooped in and arrested the victims’ father, as this tweet reports. Here is a family member speaking to media.

Shouldn’t we wake up now and smell the injustice?!


And speak up for these daughters and sisters? Please amplify the voice of those calling out for help and share this creative!

Images source: Pixabay & Twitter

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Sandhya Renukamba

In her role as the Senior Editor & Community Manager at Women's Web, Sandhya Renukamba is fortunate to associate every day with a whole lot of smart and fabulous writers and readers. A doctor read more...

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