If Customised Handmade Items Are What You Seek, Raktima Mitra’s World Of Wonders Is What You Need!

From masks to vases to lampshades and more, Raktima Mitra's World Of Wonders is exactly the place to go when you need any of these!

From masks to vases to lampshades and more, Raktima Mitra’s World Of Wonders is exactly the place to go when you need any of these!

She describes her work as: 

From handmade products like vases, pots, trays, coasters, keyrings, dupattas, to T-shirts, blouses, lampshades and masks, we make them all. The products are customised to suit all our customers’ needs. 

Where to find them?

We are located in Kolkata and currently operating from her residence. But you can also find them on their Facebook page right here.

Her story:

I heard a lot about the Indian freedom struggle from my grandfathers and watched them giving importance to human welfare and their sentiments. Following their ideology, I found peace in making others happy.

After completing my MBA, I joined the corporate sector. But in 2007, I shifted to the education sector. This gave me an opportunity to explore the talents of our Bengal artisans and their immense talent. Seeing their miserable state, I decided to form a group with seven people, who have expertise in one or two artforms.

Why she thinks you’ll like them: 

We design according to customer’s requirements and use different art-forms in our work which makes us unique. Every week we try and include a new item.

Right now we have diversified into beauty products and bridal make up. In the future, we would introduce designer masks too setting us apart from others. Our main focus is to distribute the sale proceeds among the needy, and we have already contributed to CINI and CRY.

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Reader, writer and a strong feminist, I survive on coffee and cuddles from dogs! Pop culture, especially Bollywood, runs in my veins while I crack incredibly lame jokes and puns! read more...

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