Friends……Just Imagine A Life Without Them

We have different friend groups at different stages of life, this piece on types of friends will surely send you on a nostalgia trip!

We have different friend groups at different stages of life, this piece on types of friends will surely send you on a nostalgia trip!

“Friends” ……Just imagine a life without this tribe! I dare no one can! They are the ones who bring an immediate smile on our face, with whom we share our happiest moments, and whose shoulders we cry upon in times of utter despair.

When we are kids, we have this small group of friends, with whom we share our most precious moments. As we step into various stages of life, there are new entrants, who stand with open arms to embrace us and having tagged them our friends, we make them a part of our journey. Having met them at different junctures of our lives, our bond with each one of them is unique in its own way.

Childhood friends or chaddi buddies

When it comes to “Friendship” this group tops the list. They are our 3 A.M. friends who have our back always, no matter what. This friendship which starts either in Preschool or Kindergarten, only grows stronger with time. The most innocent of all………they occupy a special place in our heart and we are our most natural self in-front of them.

In many cases our families too know each-other and that further strengthens the bond. They know our strengths, weaknesses and are the only ones who enjoy the liberty of criticizing us, on our face. They seem to be unfazed by our success and love us unconditionally.

College friends

Many of us are not that fortunate to have the same “chaddi buddy”gang in college. College is like a melting pot, where students from different schools and neighborhoods come together for studying. Our similar career choices bring us closer and a new friendship germinates.

This bond too remains dear to us as it is formed in our teenage years. Sports, movies, career aspirations…………. there’s not a single topic that’s missed out from our discussion in this period. Many a times, this friendship pushes us to go beyond our comfort zone and try out things which otherwise are a strict ‘no-no’ for us. After graduating, we remain in touch with the closest few and bump into the rest only in our college alumni meet.

Office friends

Our office works as a breeding ground for this kind of friendship. After all a good nine hours everyday is enough to foster a bond. In office there are a plethora of options available, but generally we flock with those who share the same thought process as ours.

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From sipping coffee in the cafeteria, to complaining about the ‘disciplinarian boss’, from meeting deadlines to sharing a cab……..there are a number of things that bring us together. And amongst files and folders this friendship blooms in its own sweet way. However the quest to earn more or better career options often play a spoilsport and we are forced to bid goodbye to our beloved colleagues turned friends.

Neighbours turned friends

As we mature, life takes us to different places and we strike a bond of friendship with our neighbors. If coincidentally kids fall into the same age group, then it creates wonders as both the generations find company at one place.

Whenever we are in need, they are the ones who come to our rescue. The friendship that starts with a warm “Hello” in no time gathers momentum and transforms into a strong one. From exchanging recipes to sharing the maid, from society’s water issues to cultural events there’s a whole bunch of issues that play a pivotal role in bringing neighbours together and we enjoy every bit of it.

Sometimes we form a small “Kitty group” with these loved ones and don’t mind hosting parties an regular intervals. The three F’s of food, fashion and fun govern these parties and we toil hard to arrange them in the best way possible.

Respective better halves of husband’s friends

Now for us ladies, this one is another additional group! Post marriage we get to know them through our spouses and try our level best to maintain a cordial relation with them.

Sometimes if our thoughts match, we go ahead and become friends, else we just stick to a warm “Hello” in parties and get-togethers. The conversations with them mostly revolve around our respective spouses and their annoying habits. Ha Ha…….

Mom group friends

Many a times owing to our kiddos, we become part of a certain ‘mom group’. The reason behind the formation of this group is to exchange information related to our kids’ school or a particular activity that our young ones pursue.

Sometimes we become good friends with some of the Moms in the group and don’t mind taking our kids on playdates and outings.

Friends who pursue same passion as yours

In today’s world, with the prevalence of social media we come in contact with lot of like minded people, who pursue similar passion as ours. Cooking, writing, blogging, painting, films, photography…………… one and we will find different groups housing people with similar thoughts. Friendship that’s formed under this at times grows and stays with us for a lifetime.

No doubt all these special people only add to the happiness quotient in our life. They add to our smiles and motivate us to achieve the impossible.

Picture Credits: Still from the series ‘Give Me Four More Shorts Please!’

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Jigyansa Mohanty

A former Banking and SAP professional, I love scribbling my thoughts. Mother to two boys, I believe life is all about creating oneself. read more...

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