The Mid Mark!

2020, has been the year for introspection and the halfway mark just marks the beginning of a new us.

2020, has been the year for introspection and the halfway mark just marks the beginning of a new us.

We are halfway there. The month of July. The year 2020.

It isn’t a zero year. Neither is it wasted. If there is some method to our madness, there has got to some formulae that is being applied here as well. As always, we just don’t know the future. We just don’t know the “Why?”

I have heard many a man preach about wisdom and share anecdotes on life. I have listened to women write and talk about the should’s and the could’s. In fact, I have also read about children stepping out and doing all they can to help their neighbors. This is the power of social media.

And then there are the people who are silently stretching out their resources – emotional, physical, monetary and otherwise to make a difference to life around them. In a way, the Universe is turning. Spinning more likely!

The bigger picture

It kind of feels like we are binging on ‘Armageddon, Gone in 60 seconds, Fast and the Furious, Speed’ all at once. (That is about all the speed movies I know, by the way)

I think this is the year that Earth has been yearning for. I think this is Time’s way of saying.. enjoy me to the fullest. I think this is Date’s way of saying… walk with me, not ahead or behind.. but alongside.

I think a lot of things and the first thought in my head says.. “Sometimes, our lives have to be completely shaken up, changed and rearranged to relocate us to the place we are meant to be.”

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When you can tune your mind to look for the Power in Pain, the Hug in Hurt, the Smile in Sadness, .. you are actually walking on the path that 2020 envisioned for you, and for me.

What started as a bang, is still continuing its reverberations so that it reaches the most remotest of places.

What started as unfortunate and depressing, has actually given us love, family, trust back.

What started as a year of broken dreams, is on its way to help us realize them, by letting us stop to pick up the relevant pieces and restart again.

It isn’t going to be easy but I once read that easy is never worth it. The high is always in the chase. The adrenaline rush comes with the spin, when the head buzzes and the body twirls and twists. And then, when you finally stop and sit to catch your breath, everything returns to normalcy again, slowly.

A way ahead

The halfway mark is actually one of probability, potentiality, achievable and you be daring to look ahead, without knowing what is in store. It is going to come, one way or the other so, all that will really matter is your own unique way of ogling at it…  Of course, you can always look back and get on the disastrous start the year gave you and dwell on that. But that isn’t going to change anyways.

Here is what the half of 2020 did for me. It gave me time, to see my children grow again. It gave me moments that will always be embedded deep into my heart. It gave me love, that is unparalleled and always will be mine to have. It gave me a classroom to learn again, it gave me an exotic array of spices to lose my culinary senses into, it gave me conversations that were real and alive… And yes, it gave me unshakable, unmovable faith  for my aspirations, the entire Universe will be the inspiration!!

Yes, it is uncomfortable. It is scary. It is painful and raw. But perhaps, all it really is doing is reiterating the age old.

‘Think outside the Box. Be the change you wish to see. Constant change is here to stay.’  Keep spinning! Until you find yourself consumed by the force,  then free fall and see what happens.

Image source: Unsplash


About the Author

Pooja Poddar Marwah

Pooja Poddar Marwah is an Indian author and blogger. (October 22,1978) Her foray into writing began in a parking lot, whilst she was waiting for her kids’ co-curriculars to get over. Her debut read more...

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