There Is No Age Limit To Success

Starting a late career doesnt mean you are doomed for failure, it might require hard work but it is possible and my story is the proof.

Starting a late career doesn’t mean you are doomed for failure, it might require hard work but it is possible and my story is the proof.

I was a homemaker for my son. I was a content writer for part time work from home jobs. Society was not happy with me. The idle elderly ladies started telling how I was wasting my time and my education. They felt I was not raising my son properly. My son was shy. They said if my son did not speak up, he was a misfit in society. They said I should send my son to boarding school. They said I thought too much. They felt housework was menial. They said I was forcing my husband to earn more money so that my lavish lifestyle could be met. They did not understand that my son was prone to allergies and he kept falling sick. They did not understand that I was being there by my husband who was building his career and needed to focus on his work more. I cried and listened.

At the age of 38, after applying to hundreds of jobs, and when my son was sort of free from his allergies and was in school whole day; I got a job as a full time content writer. I was nervous. I was working with people who was hardly 25 years old. I did not know the customs and etiquette. But I was polite and hardworking. I started mingling with everyone. I did not care for caste and creed. I was busy. I learnt slowly how to wake up early morning and cook and clean and get everyone ready. Then after coming back from work again I would devote my time to my house. My husband helped as he knew I was there by him when it mattered. My son also started respecting me more as he saw how his mom was multi-tasking. After a few years, I got another job at a better company. Within six months, my talent was recognized highly and I was mentioned in an email addressed to everyone globally. I was elated. My hard work and dedication paid off.

I started my professional career late but I thrived. I did not listen to the gossip mongers who sat idly and just ridiculed others.These same ladies now feel I should look for a work from home job as I work so much. Today I love my job. I love being called a workaholic.I am not complaining. I love my son who has developed social skills and can care for himself.He is very popular among his friends now.

I know that there is no age to when someone can learn as long as the will power is there.

To all the ladies, just do what your heart desires. People will always talk. Hard work and dedication always pays off.

Image Credit: Pixabay


About the Author

Anindita Nag

I love to write on women's issues. I strongly believe that every woman is capable of being more than just a homemaker. They are the leaders of our world. They can multi-task more read more...

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