Their Profession May Be Unconventional, But It Is Certainly Not A Crime

We can only hope for a future filled with joy, happiness and satisfaction in the lives of sex workers.

We can only hope for a future filled with joy, happiness and satisfaction in the lives of sex workers.

Prostitution in India is not not something new; it’s one of the oldest professions in the entire world. Whether it is she stands on the footpath or uses technology to get in touch with customers, in all part of India all the prostitute have some common story and it actually hurts when we listen to them mostly in many part of India all the professional sex worker are basically from poor family and maximum sex worker are brought up in slum and because of that they suffer a lot and they don’t have any other option or other place to work and in most of the cases there family provoke them to earn some money and due to that pressure they trap themselves in it.

Abused By Everyone

Religious prostitutes, child prostitutes, rapes, inability to arrange marriage are some of the other reasons which pushes the woman on the down-slide from which there is no coming back.

Sex workers are always abused by everyone and they never get any respect from anyone and this thing we know from early time. It started in the 6th century at that time there was only 2 million of prostitute in India and now when we see the estimate is more than 14 million in India. The young girls and women particularly those belonging to the socially and economically disadvantaged are more vulnerable to be initiated into the profession. They may be forced, sold sometimes by the family members because of poverty and hunger issues.

In some poor Indian villages, girls are trained from birth for a life of sexual domination in order to feed their families.

In Mumbai…

In Mumbai we have 100,000 woman prostitute and it consider as the Asia’s second largest sex industry center. Girl prostitutes in Kolkata, Bangalore, Delhi and Muzaffarpur are tortured, held in virtual imprisonment, sexually abused, and raped. Prostitutes are not considering as bearer of right, they are highly pimped of the raped. Most of the girls involved in this profession are forced into it, it is estimated that every hour minimum range of four to five woman and girls are entering into prostitute of India.

Day by day the trafficking of child prostitute are increasing in a large way and such girls are not kept at one place for a long period of time. Every month they shift them to other city or country just to avoid the customer related issues and mainly for the police detention. Although prostitution is legal in India, but brothel keeping, seek or seducing for the purpose of prostitute is more punishable. Many parts of the country even after being developed and so much progress economically and politically still fail to acknowledge the prevailing mistreatment of sex workers in their areas.

It is required that the present scenario should be changed and necessary steps should be taken to assure that sex workers should enjoy the same protections and benefits they have like the other citizens.

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We can only hope for a future filled with joy, happiness and satisfaction in the lives of sex workers.

First published here.

Image Via Screengrab from the movie Chameli


About the Author

Shaline Choudhury

My ability to make sense of the world around me has improved because of my writing. I write about experiences that I've had in the past, am having now or will be going through read more...

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