True Love Never Dies!

True love never dies even health conditions can't stop it from fading away, it is still present inside us.

True love never dies even health conditions can’t stop it from fading away, it is still present inside us.

A  55-year-old Mr. Nitin Kumar, An Executive Vice-President of a multinational company was addressing a board meeting; suddenly he collapsed on the ground. The staff of the company immediately rushed him to the Hospital.

Doctors informed his wife Sandhya and his two children that he has to undergo major surgery as he suffered a clot in the brain. Doctors immediately performed the operation on him after completing all the formalities in the hospital. It was a tense situation for all of them.

Surgery Went Well

Surgery is done successfully. Nitin’s family was elated to hear the good news. Nitin got discharged after a few days of stay in hospital.

Sandhya was relieved and happy to see her husband back home. She devoted her time and attention to him totally.

Nitin didn’t speak to any of his family members, as he didn’t recognize anyone in the family .Sandhya was worried to see her husband in such a condition. Doctors opined that it will take some time to recover from illness. His family members were giving him proper care as advised by Doctors.

Not Recognizing Anyone

Sandhya’s 22-year old daughter Saahi took leave from her company for a few days to take care of her father. She was lending a helping hand to her mother. She was very matured and cooperative. Her son Manoj stayed with them for a few days and went back to the US to complete his MS.

The news of Nitin Kumar’s stroke spread everywhere among relatives and friends. They started visiting them to meet Nitin, but neither he could recognize or speak to anyone even after 15 days of surgery.

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After three weeks of surgery, he started speaking a few words. He didn’t recognize his own daughter and his wife. He treated them like a nurse and doctor.

He forgot his present life completely and went to his past life. He remembered only his childhood days and his college life. He totally forgot that he got married and has his own family.

Sandhya  was just hoping and praying that her husband will be normal in a few days. She was giving extra love and care to her husband.

Old Love

One day Nitin asked her daughter assuming her as a nurse that he wanted to meet his college friend Shilpa. Saahi agreed to her father and took him to Shilpa’s home. Nitin remembered Shilpa’s parent’s address. They both went there and took address of Shilpa’s house.

Shilpa is a widow. She was working in a bank. Her husband passed away a few years back. Recently her son graduated in engineering and joined a good company.

Saahi dropped off her father at Shilpa’s home. She sat for some time and went to the supermarket for shopping.

Nitin was pleased to see Shilpa. They both spoke for some time. They remembered their past.Shilpa was Nitin’s, first love. Unfortunately, he could not marry Shilpa due to some reasons.

Nitin totally forgot that he is married now; He was assuming that he is still a college student and Shilpa is is an unmarried girl.

Daily he started asking his daughter Saahi to drop him off at Shilpa’s home.

Every day, Nitin used to visit her in the evenings and spend time with her.Saahi never got any doubt that his father is developing some kind of attraction towards her.

Shilpa is totally unaware of Nitin’s health condition.After a series of regular meetings, one fine day Nitin proposed Shilpa to marry him. Shilpa also reciprocated her feelings towards him.

Finally Nitin disclosed his family members assuming them as doctor and staff that he is willing to marry Shilpa.

Sandhya and Saahi got shocked to know about Nitin’s current status. They both discussed about it and decided to inform Shilpa about Nitin’s health condition.

One day both Sandhya and Saahi went to her place and informed her about the mental condition of Nitin. Shilpa too was shocked to know that Nitin suffered a brain clot and forgot the present life.

She got disappointed and sad to see Nitin in such mental trauma. She somehow distanced herself from Nitin.

Nitin’s condition deteriorated initially when Shilpa stopped meeting him. Later on, his mental condition improved over a period of time and became normal.

When he is completely normal, he joined his company again.

Image Via Pexels


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