Perfect These Productivity Hacks During Lockdown

Even though we are currently confined to our homes, there are easy and interesting ways in which we can still stay productive and protect our mental health.

Even though we are currently confined to our homes, there are easy and interesting ways in which we can still stay productive and protect our mental health.

The COVID-19 Crisis has already transformed into an economic and labour market shock, impacting not only supply (production of goods and services) but also demand (consumption and investment).

Disruptions have spread across the worlds, prospects for the economy and the quantity and quality of employment are deteriorating rapidly.

In such a situation how can we keep ourselves grounded and focused to achieve maximum productivity?

Productivity during COVID-19

Productivity is best achieved when we look after our well-beings as well as our physical health, mental health and spiritual health. In this way, we find a new and important meaning in life and social connectedness.

Working from home, especially for women who are primary home keepers is more of a challenge. It is tough to juggle the various internal and external demands and yet emerge productive.

I would like to share 5 things that have worked for me this not just last month but also the last one year that I have worked from home while taking care of home responsibilities.

For me I realised that it’s all about drawing boundaries and respecting them and first and foremost, being focused.

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Physical exercise

Physical health is important as it can be a great way to stary your day and is even an effective stress-buster! First, I make time for myself even if that means waking at between 4:45 and 5AM for my gym routine.

Mental wellbeing

Keep your focus on information and thoughts that serve your purpose and not take away from what you want to achieve. This could be office politics, idle chit chat with family, social media, among other things.

Spiritual wellbeing

Practice meditation every day, 15 minutes is all one needs. And, watch your thoughts, live with awareness, watch your emotions and practice deep breathing before they spiral out of control.

Finding meaning

All tasks we must do are not interesting for us. Some seem bigger than they are. Start with something that is most interesting, get the energy up and slip in the not so interesting one in between. Make a realistic list.

Social connectedness

We are all social creatures and need some connections with other humans. It is the exchange of knowledge, information, interests that makes life go round. Take this time to check in on friends and family and show them your love and support. This can truly make their day!

Remember the important things

Besides, this ensure that you maintain and keep a designated workspace at home so you can improve your focus and adopt the right mindset for work.

Try your best to avoid addictive time taking activities. Be disciplined – keep home, work and personal space for yourself. Compartmentalize things.

In order to improve organisation, try to make a to do list. Find ways to break up your workday and take short breaks to refresh yourself. Be patient with yourself and thus, set realistic targets. If you need time out to rest, please say no if you can.

And, in the end know that the power is always with you and in your hands, whatever aspect of life it may be.

Image Source: The London Mother


About the Author

Life Begins At 40 by, Sanjana Grover

Sanjana is a budding actor and a Tarot Reader. She is also independent consultant for the social sector. Her specialiaation and passion lie in helping non-profits fundraise for their development activities and a short read more...

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