Being Kind Is Perhaps The Single Most Important Thing We Need During This Pandemic

I’ve realized an aspect that’s important right now – being kind. Well, it’s always important but I’m (only) human.

I’ve realized an aspect that’s important right now – being kind. Well, it’s always important but I’m (only) human.

Be kind to the young children who are unable to understand why they can’t go down to play.

Be kind to the school & college going kids who are unable to meet their friends.

Be kind to the single adults who are away from family and all alone.

Be kind to the working couple who is struggling with household chores.

Be kind to the young parents who are finding it difficult to engage their children.

Be kind to the elderly for whom this isn’t just inconvenient but also scary.

Be kind to the extroverts whose mental health is getting affected in isolation.

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Be kind to introverts who need me-time but aren’t getting any.

Be kind to workaholics who are feeling frustrated.

Be kind to the immunocompromised who are afraid.

Be kind to the neighbour who is paranoid about washing, and washing some more.

Be kind to the housekeeping staff that’s keeping your apartment clean.

Be kind to the grocery workers who are coming to work despite it being dangerous.

Be kind to the pessimists (difficult!) because that’s how their brain is wired.

Be kind to the celebrities who are unable to upload their ‘chilling at home’ photos for the fear of inviting wrath from armchair activists.

Be kind to the industrialists pledging funds for relief and research.

Be kind to companies not making money but continuing to pay their employees.

Be kind to freelancers whose source of income has dried up.

Be kind to small businesses who stare at an uncertain future.

Be kind to travel professionals for they know not when tourism will be up and running.

Be kind to those who returned from abroad. Not all of them are rich and jet setters.

Be kind to volunteers who are risking it but going out to help others.

Be kind to stray animals who depend on humans for food.

Be kind to the police for they’re working overtime on a situation they’ve never handled before.

Be kind to the administration who is scrambling from one priority to another, because every damn thing is important.

Be kind to government agencies who are figuring out ways in which they can help.

Be kind to the central & state governments who are managing a pandemic for the first time. After all, pandemics don’t come with an SOP!

Be kind to your spouse. S/he may love you immensely but being cooped up in the same house for weeks on end is a different ballgame altogether.

Be kind to everyone. Each of us is struggling either financially or mentally or physically. We can return to our finger pointing, nit-picking & petty squabbling later, when the Wuhan Virus is over.

Lastly, be kind to yourself. Don’t aim to ‘have it all’. Don’t aspire for perfection. If you’ve moments of fright, it’s OK. If you feel overwhelmed, it’s OK. If you get tired of chores, it’s OK. If you don’t feel like getting out of bed one day, it’s OK.

And maybe, I’ll try to continue this kindness to when the Corona Virus is over.

First published at author’s blog

Image via Canva

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About the Author

Priya Parul Singh

There is so much about me. Foodie. Introvert. Opinionated. Photogenic. Pragmatic. Receptive. Walker. Worrier. Blogger. Mother’s confidante. Voracious reader. Winter lover. Travel blogger. Father’s best friend. Husband’s soul mate. Daughter, wife, dogma, read more...

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