What Corona Taught Me

Let's practice safety and care for self and others. Practice love, humor and laughter. Practice positive vibes and practice courage.

This is a personal experience, living the CORONA days

I consider myself an optimist with an ability to rationalize. However, I realised how vulnerable I am to the external environment last night. I woke this morning at 4am in panic coz I had stopped out of the house for some time to give something to a neighbour. I refrain from reading the overdose of innumerable covid 2019 messages I get. Everyone is so eager to help and pass on information that they sometimes press the forward button before they have completed reading it. The same thing happened this morning again in 2-3 groups. We seem to be in a loop.

Anyway, my motto through it all has been to skim and delete without giving energies. And, am sure I voice what a lot of you may be doing already.
Anyway, a well wisher sent me some stories of contact and suffering, another and then another did the same; later I stepped out for 10 minutes all the time making Corona a monster in my head which in my subconscious mind had become larger than me, without my realising.
Additionally it rained yesterday so the weather was cool, I did some weights after a month so was a little sore. Result was restless sleep and pain with a little cough. By 4 am I had convinced myself irrationally that I probably had Corona symptoms. By 4.30 am I panicked so much that I couldn’t breathe thinking I had put my old parents and son at risk. All common sense and logic flew out the window and I walked around the house thinking I had brought doomsday home, thankfully am back to laughing and seeing the ridiculousness of my irrational behaviour.

It took 4 rounds of meditation to calm myself down, by when it was 7 am.

Learning and request

Do not pay attention to random messages. Do not read them. The government and WHO website has all the information you need to keep yourself safe.

Don’t believe and let all you read, if you make the mistake like I did, go into your conscience or sub conscience.

Be responsible and do not unwittingly press forward. You wanna share something, send a joke, a game, a song, a book there is so much to life outside CORONA. We are in the worst and best times of our lives. Imagine if se had no internet and all the lovely world it brings to us! Let’s focus on what we want to grow. Exit groups if they don’t serve your purpose or add to you in any way. I have done that.

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Please wake up 15 minutes earlier in the day and start your day with meditation. I have made the mistake of jumping from bed into work last few days and not meditating..and it’s the kind of work I am not used to, plus as most of you, I am also missing the so called freedom to move around freely touching unconsciously all I want , so I find this change a little bit of a pain at times, change takes time. Though as a family we are in rhythm much of the time.

Things to do

Watch fun series/ movies anything that makes you laugh and keeps the good hormones going. Call a friend. Call family. Do group VC’s with a fun agenda.

Spend time listening to the birds chirp and the beautiful clear sky. I don’t remember a time when I could hear them above the vehicular noise.

As everyone advises, please exercise daily daily everyday. Housework is not enough exercise, they are largely chores, useful but, not enough. Flex those muscles so you feel fit, hot, strong and agile once it’s time to meet, greet, hug and drink.

Practice gratitude for all you have. Even simple things like the ability to walk, smile, cook and eat, savour and enjoy each other, ability to get out of bed, have a roof overhead, that we got bum showers and proper loos and amaze cisterns and plumbing, great kitchens with all types of equipment we could need to make life simple.

Do what is required to keep your energies clean. Learn from my lapse😜.

Let’s practice safety and care for self and others. Practice love, humor and laughter. Practice positive vibes and practice courage.

Image via Pixabay


About the Author

Life Begins At 40 by, Sanjana Grover

Sanjana is a budding actor and a Tarot Reader. She is also independent consultant for the social sector. Her specialiaation and passion lie in helping non-profits fundraise for their development activities and a short read more...

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