Virtue Of Compassion

Many of us who are hale , healthy and wealthy think that throwing a bone or a biscuit to a dog is kindness, celebrating birthdays in orphanages and old age homes in a pompous way is charity, donating unwanted used articles to the needy is benevolence.

Many of us who are hale, healthy and wealthy think that throwing a bone or a biscuit to a dog is kindness, celebrating birthdays in orphanages and old age homes is charity, donating unwanted used articles to the needy is benevolence.

It was a pleasant sunny morning. The sun came out with full radiance and lit up the world. The living world woke up to this call and started their activities. Sharada was on her feet and hurried with her daily chores. She then prepared some dainty dishes and prepared a few food
packets. With the food packets, she strolled towards the library nearby. She was received with a warm welcome when she entered the room where Mani was seated. Sharada handed over the food packets to Mani who relished every morsel of it appreciating the taste. After
the lunch, both of them started their work.

Mani, a 19 year old lad was visually challenged and Sharada was his reader to help him everyday with his preparation for competitive exams. Sharada was very much impressed by the good manners, polite behavior coupled with intelligence, determination and commitment of Mani. Sharada, 70 years old , was living alone. Sharada saw her grandson in Mani. She would read out lessons to Mani and then Mani would record the key points of the lesson in his recorder for revisions later. Both of them spent such useful and happy moments together.

Then a touching incident occurred after a few days of their acquaintance. Sharada entered the room of the library one day and Mani stood up immediately to offer Sharada a toffee. It was a sweet surprise for Sharada. She thanked him for his gesture but asked him to eat it instead. He then told her that his mother would get him a toffee everyday but that day he had asked his mother to get him one more toffee so that he could give Sharada. He also added that the toffee cost just one rupee. Mani belonged to a poor family. Sharada was aware of his situation. But this toffee meant a lot to her. It was worth lakhs of rupee because she understood how much the boy cared for her. This is unalloyed affection brought warmth to her heart. Sharada ate the toffee and her eyes swelled up with tears of gratitude.

Days rolled by, Mani became busy with his college admission and so could not come to the library. He kept in contact with Sharada through phone. Sharada too was away at her native place for few months. When she returned, the phone conversations continued. One day when Mani
was on the phone, Sharada told him that she will be able to meet him only after a month or so, since she was to undergo a minor eye surgery the next day. Mani immediately wished her good luck and told her that he would pray for her to get her eyesight back. A young boy who has never seen his mother’s face, the bright sun, the beautiful nature and its colours and who will never, ever, be able to see all this, is asking God to restore this old lady’s eyesight. What a noble virtue !

Many of us who are hale , healthy and wealthy think that throwing a bone or a biscuit to a dog is kindness, celebrating birthdays in orphanages and old age homes in a pompous way is charity, donating unwanted used articles to the needy is benevolence. At that moment
Sharada placed Mani in the highest pedestal of her heart. She understood that this was COMPASSION. Tears rolled down her cheeks like torrential rains in gratitude to that noble soul .

Image Credits: Pixabay


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