The Boneless Tongue : A Funny Tale

He gave me a book on how to choose my words while talking. Now, I say 'Great' instead of 'Buzz Off

Mr. Reeves was in deep thought. He felt that people didn’t like him. This made him experience negative feelings. Nobody to talk to, he now felt stressed, bored, sad and ill.

So, he decided to see a Psychiatrist.

Mr. Reeves (in a calm voice) to the Psychiatrist,”I do not know why people do not want to talk to me. It makes me feel depressed. I have heard of your psycho-therapeutic treatment. Will you please help me get out of this you visually unappealing slob!!!!!”

The Psychiatrist rolled his eyes and handed over a book to Mr. Reeves to read.

The name of the book was “The Boneless Tongue – yet strong enough to break a heart.”

After a week, Mr. Reeves met his neighbor, Jim, at the park.

Jim: “Hey, did you see my new car? How is it?”

Mr. Reeves : “Great!”

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Jim: “Thank you!!”

Mr.Reeves now felt happy that the conversation was getting friendly and Jim showed no signs of avoiding him.

Jim: “I heard you met the Psychiatrist. Well! Hope nothing major. How are things?”

Mr.Reeves : “Great!”

Jim: “Good to know that. What are you doing tonight. If you’re free, would you like to join me for a drink?”

Mr. Reeves’ happiness knew no bounds now. He was now being invited over too!!

Late in the evening, Mr. Reeves arrived at Jim’s place. He felt amazing when Jim clinked his glass against his and said, “Cheers!!”.

Mr. Reeves: “I must say the Psychiatrist I went to was really good.”

Jim: “Some more wine?”

Mr. Reeves: “Great!”

Jim poured him some more wine in his glass.

Jim: “How’s the wine?”

Mr. Reeves: “Great”

Jim: “My wife makes really good wine. Her hands have some intoxicating magic I tell you.”

Mr.Reeves : “Great”

Jim: “I hope am not getting too nosey, but am just inquisitive about why you liked the Psychiatrist so much? I mean he surely has done wonders for you, yeah??”

Mr. Reeves: “Yes, Indeed. He gave me a book on how to choose my words while talking. Now, I say ‘Great’ instead of ‘Buzz Off’.”

Jim rolled his eyes, gulping down his wine in horror and asked Mr.Reeves, “Some more wine?”

Mr.Reeves: “Great!”

Jim passed out.

Author’s Note: Your words write the story of your life. Choose your words carefully. The word abracadabra is said to have come from an Aramaic word which means “I create as I speak,” or, “It came to pass as it was spoken.”- something to ponder on, right?

Image is a still from the movie 102 Not Out 


About the Author

Natasha Perry Thomas

Blogger, Writer and Content Curator. Author of 'Infidelity-An Outrageously Funny Affair and The Ultimate Rom-Com' - available on Kindle. read more...

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