How To Make Leisure Days More Productive And Bright

It's a sensitive time period and we'll sail through this if we stand together.


Our country is going through a tough time due to COVID-19 pandemic, lockdown had been declared till 14th April, it’s time when we should stand together as a nation and help each other in whatever little we can because I believe every help counts. It’s important for people to realize that we all are rightly aware of existing situations (quarantine is for the safety of individuals) and we do not panic and let no one spread false news, take the necessary steps as and when required. It’s a sensitive time period and we’ll sail through this if we stand together.

These days will also give us an ample amount of opportunities for introspection and view life in a different way, make us aware of so many things. It’s also a time to bring about a change if we have been meaning to do this for a long time and it can be related to any aspect of our life. I’ve listed down four ways on how to spend these days in productive ways.

Connect With Your Inner Self  

We all have such a fast-paced lives that we’re not even connected with our deeper self. It’s a time to stop and pause for a few minutes and look within, it’s fascinating to look at what happens within our inner world, how we’re communicating with our own self and the bond that we have with our own self. So often we talk about physical health, but spiritual health is something not many of us are bothered about. Spare a few minutes every day, sit in a quiet place, close your eyes and just view the inner world, for beginners it’ll not be easy you’ll have myriad thoughts in your mind, but don’t try to stop it forcefully, it’ll aid no results. Just go with the flow and do this on a daily basis twice a day, first thing in the morning while waking up and before going to bed, you’ll be amazed to experience the sense of calmness it brings, you can also do the same by chanting “OM”, there are various ways for meditation. But, the most important thing is to start, make it an important part of your life for spiritual growth and practice on a regular basis without failing.

Cultivate a sense of gratitude 

Yes, introspection is what gives you a true picture of yourself with existing situations and a sense of thankfulness is its the greatest gift. Just having a feeling of gratitude for this blessing called LIFE, family, near and dear ones and so many countless things but most importantly to be able to be in a position in whatever way we can support the society we’re living in because every help counts even in a little way.

Family time is the best time

This is one such moment to connect with your family and bond with them on a deeper level. In our hectic schedule, quite often we forget to do that. Heart to heart conversations are truly the best, you can also catch up with old friends through video call, all in all let not social distance create emotional distance.

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Let leisure turn into passion

Just a few days ago, one of my friend was drawing sketches, she shared the images with me and it turned out so beautiful, I thought that’s such a wonderful way to invest time in something one loves doing and productive as well. Similarly, you can indulge in writing, not just for creative aspects but also to connect with your deeper self for personal growth. For those like me who love cooking, it’s the best time to do what you love the most and try new recipes. You can also read books, for those who have been wanting to make exercise an important part of their lives for a long time can learn yoga which helps in empowering physical as well as spiritual health. There are just a plethora of options and you just need to find what you love the most.

[PS: Stay Home, Stay Safe! India, as a nation has weathered many storms and this too shall pass.]

Image via Pixabay


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