Say No To Dowry!!!!!

Girls' parents struggle a lot to bring them up, they educate them, buy jewellery, collect money for their marriage and boys parents just without looking at anything they stretch out their hands to take dowry.

Is dowry above relationships? Reshma could not resist herself from thinking after a tragedy hit her life. The life she had dreamt of, now had been broken into pieces. Her mind flashing back to the good old college times.

Reshma was in her third year of engineering wherein she fell in love with her very best friend. They had been friends from first year. She used to be so compatible with him. She felt that he is the person who would understand her better.

After completing her engineering, her parents as usual started searching groom for her, but somehow she resisted saying she wanted to build her career first. So after her engineering she tried for higher studies and her boyfriend was looking out for jobs.

She was always there for him during his crucial time. She always supported him. There was lots of understanding between both.

Reshma had completed her masters and had got job in a good MNC with a high package. Now her parents could not wait for her to get married. Reshma’s parents were very open minded, So they asked her, “Reshma, we are going to look groom for you, but of you have anyone in your mind you can tell us.”

On this Reshma could not stop her self, but to spill the beans,”Yes Papa, I like Rohan, the guy who used to visit us, do you remember?”

After this she did not know how her parents will react, her face turned red, and she was very scared. She knew her parents would understand, but somewhere in the far corner of her heart she had a fear. A fear of losing him.

Her Dad and Mom just laughed out loudly and they said,”You should have said this before, now we need not worry about finding a guy for you. Call him up and say we want to meet his parents.”

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On hearing this she was so happy, she immediately called up Rohan and narrated everything that had happened. But Rohan did not seem so happy. Reshma did not understand, why Rohan wasn’t so happy about it, but she did not bother much as she thought may be its her wrong feeling.

So finally both families met and there was huge discussion going on between their parents. Reshma was outside with Rohan and she was so happy that she did not bother to overhear them. Moreover she trusted Rohan.

When Reshma came inside, her father hugged her and said, “Your marriage date has been fixed my dear child.”

Reshma was very happy, but she wasn’t aware of what had happened behind the scenes.

So the big day had arrived

Reshma was getting ready for her big day, but she saw her Dad being very stressed. She had never seen her dad so stressed before. She asked her Dad,”Papa, what happened, why do you look so stressed?”

Her Dad replied,”Nothing beta, you are going far away from us right, so a bit sad.”

“Oh Papa, I was and will be always you daughter, no matter where I go, I will be always there for Mummy and Papa.” Saying this she hugged her dad. But somewhere deep inside she felt something is fishy.

While she was going to her mandap, she overheard someone saying that grooms dad had asked for 50lakhs as dowry, a car and some other items. On hearing this, she felt like a shockwave passed through her. Her hands started shivering. She sat in the mandap and asked Rohan,” Rohan, before we begin the rituals I want to say something. I want you to know that your parents have demanded 50 lakhs as dowry to my parents, plus other items.”
On this Rohan did not respond anything and just said what is the big deal in that, we are guys and we have the rights to ask and take.

Now Reshma could not control herself, “Okay! So you were also part of this, so for you our relationship is more important or this dowry. You have to chose between us.” He was silent.

She understood what he wanted. She got up from mandap and said,”Be a man, not a beggar to ask for dowry.” and just walked away. She felt like everything was devastated in her life. She asked her Dad,”Papa, why did you not inform me about it?”

And her dad hugged her and said, “Sweetie, you were so happy when this marriage was fixed, this was your dream and i did not want to break it.”

But now Reshma felt so proud of herself for taking such a decision, its true she lost her love, but what is the use of such love who cannot stand by you when you require it. The true love was the love between Reshma and her Dad, who was ready to face anything for his daughter and she proved to be the best daughter.

Girls’ parents struggle a lot to bring them up, they educate them, buy jewellery, collect money for their marriage and boys parents just without looking at anything they stretch out their hands to take dowry.

They don’t even think,”Is it right to ask them, is it that only their daughter is getting married? Even my son is getting married, so both should have equal contribution.”

In earlier days girls did not have any education or job, but nowadays, girls have equal or more education and earn more than a guy, then why this dowry system still persists in our society. Even though it is illegal, but it still exist.

Image is a still from the movie Dil Hai Tumhara


About the Author


Cyber security professional, i am passionate about my work and i also love reading books and writing stories. My main areas of interest are topics regarding women issues and women empowerment, Just triying to create read more...

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