I Found 20 Of The Funniest And Shareable COVID-19 Lockdown Memes On The Internet!

Lockdown times mean a lot of boredom and time on your hands. When you aren't studying or working, here are some shareable and super funny memes!

Lockdown times mean a lot of boredom and time on your hands. When you aren’t studying or working, here are some shareable and super funny memes!

Since most of us are inside our homes, and have an endless supply of time to explore the world, we have resorted to the best form of entertainment. What is it you ask? Well, memes of course! Most of us are using this time to discover the various corners of the internet and browse memes on Reddit, TikTok, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

It seems like there is a perfect meme for every situation. Right from quarantine blues, to work from home jokes and even college students attending lectures on Zoom. During these tough uncertain times, it is easier to ease the stress and pressure by finding the silver linings and the comical aspects of our circumstances.

However, the lines between humour and comedy and hate and misinformation become quite blurred. Confused?

Racist and sexist memes have never been funny

Well, think about the endless memes you have been browsing that othersise and hatefully brand China and an entire identity group. Think of the gags that were going around when the US President Donald Trump called Coronavirus the ‘Chinese Virus’ and the ‘Kung Flu.’

Let us also not forget about the distasteful and sickeningly sexist memes that even targeted women, specifically of Asian ethnicity?

Unfortunately, a part of it comes from the manifestation of bitterness and paranoia that people feel during this trying time. However, after a point, memes and gags can come across as inflammatory and sensitive. They only divide us further at a time when we should be working together and showing solidarity. 

You may relate to these, all thanks to your privilege

This is also an important time to realise how much much privilege plays into the COVID-19 Crisis. Especially when it comes to being able to quarantine, work from home and practice social distancing.

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The very fact that you can understand and relate to these memes proves that you are in a better position compared to a majority of the population. Perhaps, to understand this important and fine line, here are some genuinely funny memes that are actually tasteful and humorous.

Let’s get meme-ing!

Let’s sit, talk and finally call out the unsustainable and fear-mongering caused by hoarding

Our undying love for, yes, you guessed it, hand sanitiser! With a number of people stocking up on these too, sanitisers are no less as fancy as Airpods were, last year! However, where the Airpods were a luxury, sanitisers are a necessity. Don’t hoard them, people!

And let’s not forget to feel sorry for all those seniors missing their prom after all the effort and indecision.

And what about some of our rather first-world problems of working from home! While initially, it DID feel like a vacation, work from home now just seems like a punishment.

But no matter how annoying it gets, folks, please don’t step out the house, unless absolutely necessary.

How about that time when the government declared a lockdown with very little warning

When Omar Abdullah reminded us of the Kashmir conflict with a little humour!

Here’s to all those broke college kids who are paying all that tuition for Zoom lectures. The college students who went to all their universities with stars in their eyes and dreams of travelling are only stuck to travelling with Zoom now. And what better way to make use of the free time they have, than make memes?

How about those ‘very productive’ quarantine routines we have? It IS productive, okay? We may be lazing around and ‘chilling’ but we are getting some pretty productive days. 


Eating to pass the time? Staying at home, definitely means eating. Remember the saying, ‘I am bored, let me eat?’ Well, practically all of us are following that. While some are also learning how to cook, most of us are chomping down on something at all times. And that is perfectly okay, as long as we promise ourselves exercises the next day. Or the next. 

What about ‘Welcome To WhatsApp university?

Well. Well. Well. What do I even say about this! The number of WhatsApp forwards one gets about the magnificence of this spice and that leaf to cure Coronavirus? Please don’t believe it, people. A large part of those are not true. Just don’t.

via Pinterest

While you are at it, why not be a decent human being? The virus is hitting all of us, regardless gender, and race. Stop being racist, please? This is the time for us to be together and stay strong. Not fight amongst ourselves and end up hating one another.

Memes are a great way to spread positivity and information in this global echo chamber of paranoia and fear that we are now living in. So let’s ensure that they continue to have those impacts.

Giving in to all the humour and internet gags and jokes that we see around us only leads to fear-mongering and spread of misinformation and distrust. Why not channel all that laughter and extreme boredom elsewhere and be good and socially responsible citizens?

Now go, wash your hands!

Picture credits: Pexels

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About the Author

Shivani Ekkanath

Shivani is currently an undergraduate political science student who is passionate about human rights and social issues, particularly women's rights and intersectionality. When she is not viciously typing her next article or blog post, read more...

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