Mothers, Sisters, Wives – You Choose What You Do With Your Lives

An accomplished woman, the poet here had to take some hard decisions on becoming a mother, something that most working moms, or stay at home moms on a break from work will identify with.


An accomplished woman, the poet here had to take some hard decisions on becoming a mother, something that most working moms, or stay at home moms on a break from work will identify with.

A straight A student in school
I followed every rule
With good grades and knowledge
I got into my dream college

Graduate life gave new friends
Exposed me to newer trends
Three years flew by
Pursuing a masters was my next high

From there to a strong corporate career
Confidently moving forward, no reverse gear
There’s no rush to wed
My entire family said

Time passed and I tied the knot
A companion for life, it brought
We built a nest of love
As happiness shined above

A few years hence, it was time
To bring into the world a little chime
Ready to become a family of three
To that we both did agree

That’s when I thought
it grandparents’ help we sought
To look after our little one
When their share they’d already done

Did we want a nanny or a day care
Or did I want to be there
It’s then my job I quit
My husband’s complete support behind it

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This decision always gets a reaction
Never a consensus, ever a divided fraction
Some say it’s the right decision you took
Others question with a disapproving look

We were blessed with a beautiful boy
Who fills our life with loads of joy
He’s a handful and active one
Being there for him has been fun

I’ve been asked why I left
I always say it was for the best
I decided not on a whim
It was for me and not for him

I never think if this decision was right
All I know, it was my own might
It has given me time to find
New callings of heart and mind

Penning ideas, thoughts on paper
Blogging is my new caper
Today I am a writer
With awards and prospect even brighter

I meet many like me
Re-discovering themselves in this journey
Pursuing dreams and that passion
Time for which they could never fashion

I was my own master
Whether I moved slow or faster
I decided to make or break
The choices or chances I took or didn’t take

All you mothers, sisters, and wives
Choose yourself what you do with your lives
Think about what you give and get
For there is no room for regret.

Author’s note: I’d like to know the thoughts of other mothers who needed to take similar decisions – here are days when one doubts the choices made and decisions taken. For such times, one seeks support from others who have or are going through the same motherhood journey. 

Image source: shutterstock

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About the Author

Prerna Wahi

Prerna Wahi worked in the corporate world for 7 years. In the past few years, she has been a stay-at-home mom. She has been enjoying the new role ever since and likes to read more...

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