7 Ways Saving As A Young Girl Helped Me As An Adult

Given the writer's fondness for saving money, it is no surprise that she started saving young. Here are 7 ways saving as a teen helped her as an adult

Given the writer’s fondness for saving money, it is no surprise that she started saving young. Here are 7 ways saving as a teen helped her as an adult

Saving money and frugality are my favourite topics. I started saving money in my childhood. And now at the age of 24, I can say I took the right decision in my childhood.

In my pre-teens, my friend inspired me to save money. She used to tell me about her piggy bank and how many coins she had added to it. These financial talks between us got me excited to have my own piggy bank and save money.

I remember the day when I saved Rs. 7 for the first time! That was how my frugal living journey started.

I’m blessed to have such good friends who inspire me and help me grow financially. Even today I have support from my girl gang. This is how young women should support and empower each other.

Is it really necessary to save money?

Life is uncertain. You never know when you will face financial problems in life. I am sure you know of women who have suffered simply because they weren’t financially independent and hadn’t saved up for the future.

In counties like India, you will find such a woman in almost every family. It is actually a sad thing to see young women’s suffering.

As a young girl if you start saving money today, soon you can reach your desired financial freedom in life. Later on, you won’t have to ask for charity.

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You will be having the ability to run your life if you save money. You will be very confident in your life.

Since I started saving at a very young age, I realised that there are certain reasons it has helped me. Here are seven of them.

Saving money has more benefits in life. It is equally important as earning money. Let me share with you, how saving money has changed my life.

When I used to get pocket money from my parents, I used to save. But after entering my teenage I understand the meaning of financial independence. I’ve realised that to save more money first I should earn more money.

Helped me be more ambitious in life

This type of mindset helped me to be more ambitious in my life. Now I’ve financial goals in my life. And to reach these financial goals I’ve become more ambitious.

Usually, young girls get distracted in their young age. But when girls have career and financial goals it makes you work towards your goals.

This is how saving money helped me to be more focused in life. When you have a goal, you can’t waste your life. You will be totally taken the right actions to reach your goals. So I suggest, all young girls should have a career and financial goals in life.

Inculcated frugality in my life

When I started to save money, I started to be frugal. Many people think that frugal living is boring. But frugal living is really interesting. It helped me to be more creative.

When you think about how to save money then you will start to get more frugal ideas to save money. This is how one will start to enjoy life without spending more money. Frugal living is not about being a miser or being cheap. Frugal living is an art of spending money wisely without compromising good things in life.

Realised the importance of money

When you are hungry, you don’t waste food, right? In the same way, when I’ve started to save money, I realised the importance of money. This realisation helped me be frugal in my life. I don’t waste money on unnecessary things.

I adapt minimalism in my life. Everyone should realise the importance of saving. Especially young girls must start to save money. This will empower young girls.

Increased my risk-taking capacity

Usually, in India girls have low self-esteem. They don’t come forward to take financial risks. And neither are they interested in personal finances. Girls often think that money and finances are reserved for boys to think of.

And even some if some girls come forward and talk about investments, male family members don’t support them. But when I started to earn, I was very confident thinking about investments.

I started to take risks and invested my money. As I’ve earned and saved money I’m not accountable to anyone else. I have the freedom to invest my money and take my own risks.

Helped me turn dreams into reality

I always wanted to be a writer. So I started my writing journey with my own blog. But to take my blog to the next level, I needed money. I needed an attractive website with a good theme.

It was at this time that my savings helped me a lot. I’d saved money and invested it towards my blog. It helped me chase my dream career- that of being a writer. The moment when I started my own website with the money I’d saved, was a very special one for me. As a young girl earning and saving money that helps you turn your dream into a reality is really an amazing feeling.

I say- give it a try. Dream big and save enough money to convert those dreams into reality. Some of you would definitely get your parents’ support and they may even offer to sponsor this dream. But the day you sponsor your own dream, would be one of the most priceless ones.

I’ve become aware of money matters

When I started to think about saving, my curiosity was boosted. I started to read more about money-related books and implemented new ideas to earn as well as save. This is how I’ve become more aware of money matters.

When young girls are aware of money, it’s a plus point. As a girl, you will feel more powerful if you are aware of money matters.

Helped me take charge of my life

If you save money, you can lead your life. You are totally free to take charge of your life. As Indian girls, we all face restrictions in life. But financial independence and saving help us take charge.

As I’ve saved money, I can use my money to do the things I like. This freedom is really necessary.

My words to young girls

Irrespective of gender or age, one should learn about personal finance. Each girl has the potential to be independent. Saving money will help you grow financially. Take steps to take charge of your life.

Picture credits: Pexels

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About the Author

Ankita Kamat

Hi there :) This is Ankita Kamat, the founder of Frugal Beat. I left my job. My passion for writing and creative mindset didn't allow me to continue with my 9-5 job. I've read more...

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