When Bruno Spoke With Me Through An Animal Communicator

A beloved dog passed away, and the author tried to say goodbye through an animal communicator. An intensely personal story.

A beloved dog passed away, and the author tried to say goodbye through an animal communicator. An intensely personal story.

‘Bruno says he has seen you grow up and is proud of the person you have become’, the animal communicator tells me.

It’s only been two days since my pet dog passed away, and he is already making me smile.

She goes on describing my house, describing his favourite spots and corners in and around the house. And I am amazed, shocked and excited to communicate with the beautiful soul and more than that… having a total stranger tell me things about my family.

It was only a day before…when I felt Bruno lose his pulse and breath his last. He was a quiet peaceful little baby, always wagging his fluffy tail, ready to play, his soft brown eyes expressing more than humans can communicate. And that is just how he left. Peacefully, quietly, soundlessly.

I was surprisingly calm than I ever expected myself to be at a moment like that. But I was in a lot of pain and loss.

I knew about telepathic communication with animals. Just thought I would give it a try to say a proper goodbye and most of all, make sure he was okay.

So animal communication is nothing to do with ghosts and spirits. It’s not even supernatural. I didn’t hear or feel his physical presence in my communication session. That is because animals communicate through feelings, images and words.

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The communicator told me that I could ask as many questions as I wanted to, and the answers might appear in my mind, my thoughts or specific images could suddenly cloud my mind.

I was scared because after all, I was going to bother a soul that had left the Earth and its body. But she assured me, that Bruno was more than elated to join us.

My first question, ‘Where is he?’ got me a quick image of my garden at home. I wasn’t sure why I thought about it, but the animal communicator had seen it too. Unaware of the details of my home, she asked me whether we had buried him in a garden around the house. And yes, we had. Bruno had begun communicating.

What really took me as a surprise was the fact that she mentioned an image where Bruno is out on a routine walk with my dad, without his leash on. I had no idea that my dad had stopped tying his leash. After the session, I actually had to make a call home to confirm this image. And it was true. According to her, Bruno showed her this image talking about what a good boy he was and how he never broke dad’s trust.

There were many such images, memories she talked about that got me teary-eyed. Each time something new came up, I wondered, Is this really happening? Is this true?’

And I am glad I gave it a shot.

Bruno hasn’t gone anywhere. He is looking after us in the form of an energy source. He not only helped me get over his death but also assured me that he is very much around.

That’s not it! He sends a message, we will cross paths again. He could be a stray cat, a dog I caress on the street or even a bird chirping by my balcony.

I just have to look for signs and once he is there, (he assures me) I will know it’s him.

And I am glad, I don’t have to say goodbye yet.


A version of this was first published here.

Image source: pexels

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About the Author

sneha shringare

I write because basically I can't paint as vividly as I would like to. Anyway, both are quintessential attempts to portray my storm of a mind! read more...

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