How Motherhood Changed Me…. !!!

I clearly remember the day I became a mother, that DAY my life changed forever...

From independent and carefree living
To worrying about their well-being…

From roaming out till late in the night
To thinking about my family’s metabolite…

From eating out frequently
To behaving more relevantly…

From doing all the mischief’s that parents forbid…
To refraining the same for my own kids

I clearly remember the day I became a mother
That DAY my life changed forever…

There’s one thing I must share
It has turned me into a person who does care

That makes me proud
And I can share that aloud !!!

Image via Pexels

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About the Author

Gunjan Kapoor

Gunjan is a certified Mindfulness Coach. She attempts to help individuals and groups bring mindfulness practice into their daily life. She is a passionate blogger and has also published two books. She is a happy read more...

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