Girls Live Your Dreams, You Have Just One Life

Adding to history are the girls who dream, girls with a passion to do remarkable...girls writing her stories.

Pride ran in the veins as I read, PV Sindhu, becomes the first Indian shuttler to clinch a gold medal at the BWF World Championships. The same love and admiration must have filled your emotions too. Our girls can really achieve wonders and more with all potentiality and given scope and support.

Just a retelling. Earlier she won four medals at the World Championships with bronze in 2013 and 2014 and silver medals in 2017 and 2018. And with this victory, she proudly gave a reply to those who questioned and criticized her then.

Here, I quote PV Sindhu, “This is my answer to the people who have asked me questions over and over. I just wanted to answer with my racket and with this win – that’s all”

PV Sindhu is an empowering inspiration to all girls , not just in sports but in every field and niche. As I was going through her story of life and struggles, I realized there are three things that every girl must learn from her to make the dreams come true. Here they go:

Know what you want: We can be what we want. PV Sindhu knew quite early that she wanted to be a badminton player, though she was born to professional volleyball players.

Be passionate: In any walk of life, determination and courage to overcome hardships is the sole way to chase the dream. Be passionate with your want so that no distraction, small or big must divert your focus. There is no alternative to the commitment and hard work.

Never-give-up: Post winning the silver medals, she did not give up and fought hard. So embrace persistence to achieve your goals and give it your everything to attain. No matter what comes, never give up.

Adding to this, girls can achieve their dreams, what they need is the support, belief, and care from their own. The efforts of the parents of PV Sindhu, their endeavor in making her dream come true is commendable.

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Dear parents to daughters, just imagine the time of glory and wait that her parents were witnessing, as she battled with her whole potential. Yes, that is the dream of many of you, may not be to watch an ace shuttler creating moments, but your daughter living her dreams. Do not impose customary. Empower your girls towards their dreams. Give them your support and cooperation to fulfil their passion. Marriage can wait unless they want or find someone equal to them.

This is what I have to tell to the parents of daughters…

To The Parents Of Daughters

Girls are born with a universe within.

do not confine to stereotypical don’ts and do.

gift them freedom to wing their dreams;

tell them stories of women

who achieved, who tried.

marriage can wait…

can go by her choice of pace

when she will find her equal.

first, let your girl write HerStory.


It is not that woman didn’t dream prior. Our ancestral women had desires and wants as well. In every age, women tried to achieve something marvelous, but there were hurdles tougher than their might. Though some of them could do achieve, but with many struggles, mostly societal.

Today is different. Tomorrow will be different. Adding to history are the girls who dream, girls with a passion to do remarkable…girls writing her stories. No longer, faces and names that talk about achievements, will be reserved just for the masculine. History has been always told by him, but now, we have stories to be told by women about women and create Herstory.

Image via Wikibio


About the Author


Being born with Flower AND Fire; I belong to the league of women, both Feminine AND Fierce. Don't tell me how girls can be either this or that; I know how to wear both read more...

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