When I received An Indecent Proposal…

I candidly confess that I have not been lucky in love though I have had my fair share of relationships. But, this particular incident left me shellshocked!

I consider those youths, whose relationships reach the finale in matrimony really fortunate. They are probably born under lucky stars. Also, their stars remain shining through out their life. As for me,  I candidly confess that I have not been lucky in love though I have had my fair share of relationships. However, Fate or Destiny prevented me from making my life a disaster…

This was nearly thirty years ago. It was my maiden trip overseas. I was part of a group tour organized by a reputed travel agency. On that day, after we had assembled at the airport lounge, a young man, who was to be my fellow traveller came up to me and made introductions. I was pleasantly surprised to discover that he was an alumnus of the school ( in a higher grade though ), that I attended in Ludhiana town, till I moved out to pursue my graduation.

You can well imagine that we got along like a house on fire.  There were several other factors too.  I was 23, footloose, fancy-free and starry-eyed. At that age, meeting a handsome specimen of the opposite sex was enough to set anybody’s heart fluttering. No exaggeration. He was handsome- six feet plus, well-built, with chiselled features. He was very much a ladies’ man; genial and affable. Quite naturally I got carried away. Throughout the weeklong trip, we enjoyed each other’s company. I had the gut feeling that a flame of mutual attraction had been kindled between us. Though neither of us said anything overtly, there was a tacit understanding that we would remain in touch even after we got back home.

To cut a long story short, I was called back home early due to a family emergency. Later, we visited each other’s homes in a casual way. We also dated on a few occasions. I must mention here, however, that I was startled to discover how wealthy his family was. Call me prudish or cynical but it is my conviction that any sort of personal ties flourishes best between individuals of similar socio-economic status. Nonetheless, the foolishly sentimental creature that I am, I fell headlong in love with him, nurturing his rosy dreams. Again I must confess that the physical attraction between us was more overpowering than emotions and sentiments. I have no qualms in admitting that we did enjoy a certain degree of intimacy though the established social taboo was never broken. And, so it went on for a couple of years.

Now, in addition to sentimentality, there is also a pragmatic streak in me. I completed my higher studies and landed in a good job. Therefore I began toying with the idea of planning my future. Thankfully, my extremely liberal, educated parents had left this decision entirely on me. That’s when I got determined to take up the matter with the young gentleman. I wanted to tell him how serious I was about any/all relationships. I disliked the idea of using relationships as mere ‘time pass’ or a means to have fun as many people are wont to.

One evening, during a long drive, I shamelessly (it was not ladylike either) popped the question:  How did he see the future? What was in his mind? I blatantly added that I was growing tired of the dating, going around business. To my horror, he said calmly, “ I will marry you only if you get pregnant.”  An open invitation to taste the forbidden fruit!  I simply couldn’t believe my ears!  So for him, it boiled down to physical experience. There was not even an iota of emotion. It was pure, unalloyed LUST! And I was foolish enough to fall in love with him!  I was ashamed and wanted to kick myself hard. Nevertheless, without ruffling a feather I shot back, “Are you out of your mind? Do you think I’m a slut? Suppose I take your bait and later you ditch me what am I going to do? My life would be ruined.”

As he went on to share some of his past escapades, I realized with a shudder that he was a Playboy who had played havoc with the hearts & minds of several other young women before me. The rich spoilt brat was used to having a gala – at the expense of gullible women!

Before parting I told him firmly it was over between us and he dare not try any tricks in the future, adding that I would, however, cherish whatever good times we had.

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Later that night before going to bed, I knelt down to thank the Almighty and my Providence. I had definitely had a lucky escape without a broken heart in addition to averting a physical disaster!


Image source: Pixabay


About the Author


Am a trained and experienced features writer with 30 plus years of experience .My favourite subjects are women's issues, food travel, art,culture ,literature et all.Am a true feminist at heart. An iconoclast read more...

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