A Proud Moment In A New Mom’s Life

I never knew 'excellent' still meant so much to me. Until I heard the doctor apply the word to me as a mom!

I never knew ‘excellent’ still meant so much to me. Until I heard the doctor apply the word to me as a mom!

I took my son for his 12 months vaccination today, and like every other mother I was worried about his weight. We have moved to a new city, I have recently joined office, he seems to be teething, he is missing me during the day, and so on and on and on. Basically, I have a 100 reasons listed in my mind why my little son is not eating properly. Although I have a splendid nanny and I know she is taking really good care of him but still I worry that he is not eating properly and maybe he is losing weight!

And so, when I went to the doctor today I had so many questions. I am not a very fussy mother I believe and yet every time I go to the doctor I have a long list of questions with me. So… the doctor checked his weight, took his measurements and said all was PERFECT! Relief! Relief flooded my mind and body, I could have done a jig right there in the doctor’s chamber. I was so happy.

And then the doctor asked me about his diet. Oh God! I had not prepared for this question. In a few seconds I was so sure he was going to tell me I was doing a horrid job. But when I listed all the things my little baby was eating, the doctor seemed actually impressed! And then he said, “Excellent, you are doing a splendid job regarding his diet. All the veggies that he is eating, really good.”

Oh boy! I never knew “Excellent” still meant so much to me. I still remember how in school I would strive so hard to get a “good”, excellent was out of question for a mediocre student like me. It was only in English that I could manage the “Excellent” and man did it make me happy. The bag seemed to get heavier in a good way whenever I managed an excellent, as if I was carrying a trophy home.

I got the same happiness today or maybe more when my son’s doctor told me I was doing an excellent job. We all need acknowledgement for what we do, whether it is being a mom or a student. Today the excellent feels like a medal on my chest, and I hope with some help from my son I will be able to get many such excellents.

So here goes to every mom—we are doing an “excellent” job raising our children!

Image via Pexels

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First published here.


About the Author


A voracious reader, a writer, a poet, a die-hard romantic, a dream enthusiast, a single mom. read more...

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