Drop The Mental Blocks, Shed Your Cloak Of Superiority

Believe it or not, in a steady or even in a subconscious state of mind, we are always judging people; judging them invariably for their looks, colour, race, culture, status or if nothing else, then just by the way they walk and talk.

Believe it or not, in a steady or even in a subconscious state of mind, we are always judging people; judging them invariably for their looks, colour, race, culture, status or if nothing else, then just by the way they walk and talk.

“When hatred judges, the verdict is just guilty.” ― Toba Beta

How do we know when we are correct? What references do we use to come up with such a conclusion? Is it the preconditioned mind that becomes our inner voice in the form of a sixth sense? Or the set rules of morality infused by someone else’s imagination of the ‘right and wrong’ theory?

Believe it or not, in a steady or even in a subconscious state of mind, we are always judging people; judging them invariably for their looks, colour, race, culture, status or if nothing else, then just by the way they walk and talk.
Creating an outline and catering to the superficial image based on presumptions of our own limitations.
At some point of time we ourselves have all fallen prey to being falsely judged as well as freely classifying our critiques as harsh and insensitive, presuming they are pure evil. A counter judgement for their actions or reactions as a response.

We spend most of our time grading others on the scruples of an imaginary scale. The instinctual art of doing so is breath-taking for its unfathomable creativity and exhausting to the core with the over working of our brain.
Mental stress drains us far more than physical stress.
It influences our minds to such an extent that it restrains the delicate threads of connectivity that joins our outer world with our inner-selves.

The veil of judgement becomes so interwoven with vague ideologies that we lose the ability to see beyond our prejudices and end up pampering our self-righteous egos. Protecting it becomes imperative and we go all out to shield the larger than life perception or we can say the huge image of ourselves which we have built up over the years. If anyone’s identity supersedes ours, we feel intimidated and put on our guard against them.
In such a situation we make-believe that we are entitled to unerring by professing to be standing on a higher ground and justifying all our words and deeds.
Drawing a longer line, parallel to the existing one, is the only solution we come up with in order to make our own follies insignificant. But this doesn’t necessarily remove the root cause of all hue and cry in life.

Here awareness plays a crucial role. If we are aware enough to recognise our short comings and brave enough to openly accept them. Only then we can stand apart from the most gruesome situations and look for a solution rather than wear the illusionary crown of righteousness.

It’s humility that puts us in others shoes and teaches us to appreciate more than criticise. Putting down our cloak of superiority helps us in feeling the refreshing air of truth.
As easy as it may sound it’s the most difficult thing to do. We can’t deny the fact that we are all fallible humans and usually tend to slide too far over one end or the other, either all nags and judgmental or all considerate and kind.

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Image via Pexels

First published here.


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