Buzzfeed’s Video Addresses The Issue Of Non Consensual Porn And It Is Scary

The latest Buzzfeed video depicts how non consensual porn is thriving in India owing to the age old norm of victim-blaming along with the absence of proper laws to curb it. 

The latest Buzzfeed video depicts how non consensual porn is thriving in India owing to the age old norm of victim-blaming along with the absence of proper laws to curb it. 

One of the biggest reasons for rape culture to thrive in our country is our society’s attitude of victim blaming. Instead of shaming the perpetrators, most of us are eager to question and raise our doubts about the victims of sexual harassment or assault.

‘What were you wearing?’

‘Why were you out so late?’

‘Why were you so friendly with the opposite sex?’

These are common questions raised by Indians to a woman who has undergone sexual harassment.

Now imagine the kind of questions a woman whose intimate videos are released on the internet might have to face!

‘You were having sex??’

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‘You even agreed to record the act??? What were you expecting!’

What is non consensual porn?

Buzzfeed’s latest video on non consensual porn highlights this aspect of victim blaming and the subsequent problems with it. Now, there are three aspects to consider here:

  1. The act of having sex
  2. The recording of it
  3. The agreement to release it online

Even if both the man and the woman agrees to (1 ) and (2), in case (3) is done without the consent of BOTH the individuals, then it falls under the category of non consensual porn. The leaked MMS clip of two students of Delhi Public School was a prime example of non consensual porn. In fact, if recordings are made of women changing clothes in trial rooms etc. and those are released online, they also fall under the category of non consensual porn. The problem of non consensual porn is widespread in India and the biggest reason for this is:

  1. The culture of victim blaming
  2. The lack of proper laws

When sex videos or other intimate videos of women are released online, the first reaction of most people is victim blaming. In fact, this is the most important reason why most women who go through this stigma do not file legal complaints.

Now, here are the things to consider – there is absolutely nothing wrong with consensual sex or the mutual agreement to record such acts. However, in case they get released on the internet without the consent of both the parties involved in the act, that is what should be defined as a crime and deserve suitable punishments.

The weirdest thing about our country is that the same laws that criminalize consent violation also criminalize the voluntary creation and sharing of sexy photos and videos, under the grounds of obscenity!

Until and unless this law changes, even hapless victims would be taken to task by our legal authorities on the mere grounds of them engaging in sex and recording it and that is simply ridiculous.

Non consensual porn videos if leaked cause much agony to women

Needless to say non consensual porn videos cause unimaginable suffering to the lives of their victims. People are forced to change their entire identities because of such leaked videos. In some cases they even lose their jobs, they are forced to leave their places of residence, or go through surgeries to alter physical attributes. In extreme cases, they even commit suicide.

It comes as no surprise that women are mostly the biggest sufferers in such incidents. Victim blaming is the most common reaction to such videos. Comments like why she took her clothes off, or even agreed to record are quite common ways to shame a woman and term her as a ‘bad woman’ and as ‘someone who had called this upon herself’.

Richa Padte, the author of the recently released book, Cyber Sexy: Rethinking Pornography hits the nail on the head when she says, “If a man violates your consent, people will find a way to say that you were asking for it.”

Having Consensual sex and recording it, does not make you a ‘Bad Girl’ !

Though things are changing for the better yet much more needs to be done. In 2015, websites such as Facebook, Twitter and Reddit banned the posting of revenge porn on their websites. Naming and shaming the perpetrators instead of the victims might be one of the most effective ways to curb such acts. However, for that to happen, our country requires a collective change of mindset wherein a girl wearing short dresses or engaging in consensual sexual acts or even agreeing to record it for her and her partner’s pleasure are not termed as BAD by our society. It does seem like a distant dream in the India of today, but one can always hope.

Watch Buzzfeed’s video below:


Image Source is the video.

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About the Author

Kasturi Patra

Kasturi’s debut novel, forthcoming in early 2021, had won the novel pitch competition by Half Baked Beans Publishers. She won the Runner Up Position in the Orange Flower Awards 2021 for Short Fiction. Her read more...

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