She’s A Working Woman Just Like You Or Me — Surely You Don’t Have To Be Rude?

Many people think they are somehow 'above' other people, and behave in a rude, entitled manner to those they consider 'lesser'. Is that fair?

Be the kindness you wish to see in the world.

Today, I had an at-home salon appointment with a professional from a home service company.

When she came over, I asked the professional whether she wanted water or another beverage.

Her face lit up with a smile, but she politely declined.

While doing my facial, she spoke about how she was raising her son on her own. I asked her where he was now, to which she replied that he was playing in the playground in our apartment complex.

Entitled, rude clients abound

We started talking about her work. She loved the flexibility but added, “Ma’am, even though most clients are kind, some are so rude. It feels terrible to be treated that way.”

She related an incident where she called a client to confirm the address. The client was so rude and harsh that she was scared and silent the whole time she was with that customer.

It reminded me how she’d also called me last night to confirm. A friend was nearby. He said, “Don’t answer their calls. Just message and ask them to check the address and come. Why can’t they follow instructions given on the app?”

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I didn’t listen to the friend. I confirmed the time and also helped her understand the direction better.

If you deserve kindness, so do they

I am not writing this to say I did something extraordinary. I just did the bare minimum.

But my question to people who refuse to show even basic politeness and courtesy to service professionals:

Don’t you always expect your bosses and clients to treat you with kindness and empathy?

Have you never asked a “silly” or an “obvious” question at work?

I know I’ve done it many times and felt grateful when my colleague explained it to me instead of deriding me for not being able to follow “simple instructions.” So, why do some of us forget to be kind when our turn comes?

I told the salon professional, “When I am at work, I hope to be treated with care and respect. So it is only natural that I pass it on to anyone providing me with a service.”

She replied, “Ma’am, how I wish everyone thought the way you do.”

Your behavior can make or break someone’s spirit. Empathy costs nothing but makes the world a better place.

If you want to be treated well in your professional and personal lives, remember that so does everyone else

Image source: a still from the short film Juice

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About the Author

Kasturi Patra

Kasturi’s debut novel, forthcoming in early 2021, had won the novel pitch competition by Half Baked Beans Publishers. She won the Runner Up Position in the Orange Flower Awards 2021 for Short Fiction. Her read more...

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