I Am Woman By Gender But Human As An Entity

Why do women ask for 'special treatment' and a special day as International Women's Day? Here's taking a closer look.

Why do women ask for ‘special treatment’ and a special day as International Women’s Day? Here’s taking a closer look.

Yes, it’s true that
I am a woman
I am a daughter
I am a sister
I am a wife
I am a daughter-in-law
I am a mother.
Surely and proudly, I am living with/in all these relationships and love them. But before being a woman and being in an interdependent relationship, I am an individual, who has
Her own identity,
Her own wishes,
Her own dreams,
Her own ambitions,
Her own desires,
Her own choices,
Her own limitations,
Her own weaknesses,
Her own emotions.

I want you to treat me as an Individual, who is woman by gender but has all entities of a human. I want equal rights, chances and choices, opportunities, facilities as provided to a man. I want equal responsibilities as carried by a man. I don’t need pity or sympathy but instead, someone who shows me some empathy.

After this, you might ask why it is needed to celebrate Women’s Day, why am I asking for sympathy for womanhood? Come on, let me tell you, I am not celebrating this day to seek any kind of attention; rather it raises my voice to disparities occurring in different societies across villages, towns, cities, regions and countries.

I am talking about equality then why do us women ask for special treatment for several reasons? Why do we women need reservations for several reasons? These must be the questions raised, that you might want to ask.

True, I agree with you. One one side, women show themselves as some special creatures of God as strong as Durga (Shakti Rupa) while on other, we are as fragile as a Blossoming Flower. On one side women claim that they bring men’s life into existence while, on the other side, blame them for the destruction of Womanhood. Here is the reply to all these queries and doubts.

You stop killing us in a womb and we stop calling you a destroyer of Womanhood.
You stop being a monarch, we stop showing us as a victim.
You stop taking us for granted and we stop creeping out.
You stop touching us here and there in a crowded bus or train or any other public transport……we’ll stop asking for the special compartments.
You stop taking the favour from us and we stop being dependent.
You start asking for our views and we stop asking for reservations.
You stop underestimating us and we stop calling you dominant.
You start listening to us and we stop calling you a patriarch.
You start accepting our physicality, we stop asking for a day off during menstruation.
You stop sexual assaults and we stop calling you a predator.

These are not enough reasons, there are much more. And this provoked us to ask for our rights. This provoked us to ask you to treat us as a human first. This provoked us to choose a day to celebrate our Womanhood. For these reasons, we women are standing by each other’s side.

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A Man is born through a woman,
And he is raised by a woman,
And he falls in love with a woman,
And he marries a woman,
And I am surprised about the man,
Who doesn’t respect a woman?

A Man is truly a man when he wins the love of a woman (whether his mother, sister, friend, wife), earns her respect and and keeps her happy. And then it will eliminate the need to celebrate any Women’s Day or any other day to make her realise she is special because she must be feeling happy and complete every day with him.

“When a man can listen to a woman’s feelings without getting angry or frustrated, he gives her a wonderful gift. He makes it safe for her to express herself. The more she is able to express herself, the more she feels heard and understood, and the more she is able to give a man the loving trust, acceptance, appreciation, admiration, approval, and encouragement that he needs.” – John Gray

So treat a woman as a human first. Let her be what she is. Give her a chance to feel proud of her feminism. Show her that you are proud of her. Let help her to embrace her womanhood. Allow her to spread her wings and fly high as high as she can. Believe me, woman empowerment is not something that will lower you down.

“You can call a strong woman by every name in the book because she appears to be mean and bossy, Call her what you will; but the fact is, she just has a strong personality that is less tolerant of the crap people tend to dish out.”

First published here.

Image via Pexels

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About the Author

Nirali k dil se

Myself Pooja aka Nirali. 'Nirali' who is inclusion of all good(s) n bad(s). Not a writer, just trying to be outspoken. While playing the roles of a daughter, a wife, a mother, a read more...

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