Forced Into Submission By Lady Lithe: A Dark Sinful Indulgence That Is Completely Worth It [#BookReview]

Forced Into Submission by Lady Lithe is not just erotica, it has a great plot that will keep you riveted beyond the sex scenes. A must read!

Forced Into Submission by Lady Lithe is not just erotica, it has a great plot that will keep you riveted beyond the sex scenes. A must read!

There is so much taboo around women and sex in general. The labelling of women in thick clear cut boxes of ´Good´and ´Bad´ becomes even more sharp and distinct if they hail from the Eastern hemisphere of the world.

In India, being an extrovert, wearing jeans or any western outfit, a bright red lipstick or makeup, being a full time working woman after marriage, laughing loudly, smoking, drinking, dancing, going to pubs, travelling solo, having male friends and more automatically qualifies you as ´The Bad Woman´.

The point that I am trying to emphasize is that this unfair labelling is applicable to anything and everything in our lives. Even something as non-intrusive as reading and writing. There is a huge taboo around women who read and/or write erotica. It´s perfectly normal for men to indulge in these sinful indulgences because well…they´re men and can get away with almost anything. But women, on the other hand, have to literally go running for cover when they desire the same indulgence. Except if you are a Jackie Collins or closer home, Shobha De! 

Coming back to the review! How would I describe this spectacular book?

Like dark chocolate with the highest percentage amount of cocoa in it, darker it gets and the more bitter it tastes, the sweeter the pleasure. Or probably closer, a quick shot of Tequila that gives you the highest high.

Let´s get this straight up first! Forced Into Submission is hardcore BDMS. But, it is not your regular fare erotica tale. ‘Forced into submission’ is not just sex, sex and more sex, and that´s where it knocks its readers literally off their jocks. This gripping erotica tale actually has an interesting plot. What makes this particular story so unbelievably genius for me is how much the author has packed in so little. It´s astounding and outstanding how Lady Lithe has managed this tall feat in such a short time frame. This story shouldn´t take more than 10-15 mins of your time. I am pretty sure that if Lady Lithe were to write full-fledged novels, they would be instant best-sellers.

This book is definitely for a niche audience and it will leave them literally cumming for more. But for those who are not into forbidden fantasies, I will still recommend this book for the novelty and genius that is so atypical in the erotic genre of storytelling.

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In a quick foreplay, Forced Into Submission is dark, titillating, savage, suspenseful and satisfying. Go for it!

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#Bookreviews #Erotica #BDMS

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Tina Sequeira

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