My Baba. He Who Must Be Named And Celebrated…

A daughter's no holds barred letter to a much love father. Do read this intensely personal account of a father-daughter bond.

A daughter’s no holds barred letter to a much love father. Do read this intensely personal account of a father-daughter bond.

Dear Baba,

Yes no fancy names, but a simple way of addressing someone who’s been and will always remain my idol forever, and eventually would stand as a benchmark to be matched, each time I meet someone who claims to be a gentleman.

Baba, an epitome of simplicity and patience! The faint silvers that adorn your hair are an evidence to years of experience coupled with an unparalleled wisdom and knowledge for practically everything one can fathom; and what’s even better, your undying thirst for more knowledge, a keen interest to learn new approaches even if it means that’s being imparted by individuals half your age!

Baba, perhaps I have never shared this but unlike all children who can say it is their mother, my first ever teacher has been you. You have guided me, mentored me and made me what I am today! And I am quite proud of who I stand to be and secretly wish to make you proud too!

Baba, you are an inspiration for all of us and a rare source of energy that we are relentlessly trying to match up to-I fail each time but I try yet again, after all that’s one of your primary teachings, to get up no matter how many time I fall!

Baba, my maths lesson couldn’t have been more fun as they were with you; I can still recall those questionnaires that were meticulously fashioned like the ones in school.

Baba, my growing up years were (and would always be to Anshika) exemplary for others who were then my age, because they were a mixed bag of the right amount of  “yes’s” and the necessary “no’s”, for these were undoubtedly pivotal in shaping my character. And I am thankful to all the chiding and the praises that you dished out. I am even thankful to that specific evening when you disconnected that cable network, as you found me stealthily watching TV when I was expected to study! It was so embarrassing to be caught and for the punishment that followed. But that was a real lesson which helped me excel in my academics which was a dire necessity then!

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Baba, thank you for letting me choose what I loved, though it was you who made me realize this, irrespective of the fact that many admonished you for this one decision! Studying English was never my choice and we did have a fight but thank you for making me do this which eventually became my love.

Baba, thank you for making my childhood so lovely even if it meant you compromising each time, you taking a back seat just to get us highlighted. I still possess my first ‘hot wheels’ car that you bought me. And it’s special. I still have my first ‘Alice in Wonderland’ paperback, which will be an important book once my daughter is able to comprehend the same. You are the brilliant painter who made our canvas of life so colorful and myriad.

Baba, not to forget the life lessons taught by you and I can vouch, they are way ahead of what a school or even a university can impart. Having done so much you still take credit for none! Interview calls always made me jittery and that’s precisely why you accompanied me to every place for moral support even if it meant standing out and waiting in the scorching heat or the unabashed rains!

Baba, I have never said it before but I am sorry for all those times when I have voluntarily or involuntarily hurt you and you took it like one of those growing up years tantrums. I apologize for the times I have gone against you. I apologize for failing your expectations each time.

Maa is the best thing ever happened to us but the only difference remains that she knows it and you don’t know because we have never mentioned how special you are to us; you are the best father one could ever wish for. Baba, you are the hero who doesn’t need a cape to define your heroism.

Celebrating motherhood is common but fatherhood rare. Hence this post.

Baba, you are and would always be the first gentleman that I opened my eyes on!

With love!
A daughter who has and is still trying to be her best!

Image source: pixabay

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