Lost But To Be Found… [#Poetry]

Everything we do these days is fodder for the social media mill. When was the last time you just were? A poignant look at this new reality.

Everything we do these days is fodder for the social media mill. When was the last time you just were? A poignant look at this new reality. 

Everything we do is pictured
for want of likes and tweets
the comments we read and write
with mock pride and digital treats.

Nothing in our mind stays
opinions written about all under the sun
two minute fame is the goal
second-hand intelligence in the long run.

An excess of useless forwards
spreading menace and panic
didactic quotes are the new black
our shallow e-jokes so unromantic.

We touch phones more than people
deadly lure of the blue light
our texts are higher than real talks
dignified privacy not in sight.

Do you remember the last time
you counted the raindrops?
you ran on the sun drenched grass?
you played scrabble and checkers?
you wrote a letter with a pen?
you were bored?

Unashamed life of simplicity
found in those joyful days of yore
except in matters of love

Less is definitely more
Less is more.

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About the Author

Archana Shivmani Rao

Archana was raised in Chennai and lives in Dubai.She was a banking professional for more than a decade. She holds a diploma in creative writing from Writers Bureau,UK and a master's degree read more...

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