How You Can Get In Touch With Your Inner Self In The Noise Of Social Media All Around Us!

In today's hyper-sharing world, you sometimes need to step back, detach from the drama, and get in touch with your inner self, if you want to remain sane.

In today’s hyper-sharing world, you sometimes need to step back, detach from the drama, and get in touch with your inner self, if you want to remain sane.

“If you keep your head when all about you are losing theirs…”

These immortal lines by Rudyard Kipling hold true even today, even more, as we stand on the edifice of a modern explosive era. There are conflicting views on just about everything. Opinions come from every corner on each philosophy you hold dear.

You as a woman are left wondering, Are you a feminist or are you traditional?” As a mother you wonder, “Are you doing too little or too much?” As a girl you wonder, “Should you be ambitious or homely or both?”

I am sure men undergo the same kind of doubts, with the changing views about relationships.

There are pressures at work, at home, at the gym, at the park! There are activities you want to pack in, but your day just does not seem to squeeze in all that you want to do! You feel life is slipping by and you are falling behind in the race to success. You are afraid that you will not get another chance at doing all those deeply held desires you have. A lifetime seems insufficient!

Tell yourself this: “Detach From Drama”; that is what our angels are saying today. Most likely you have worked up a frenzied script of doom and gloom. So if you have to imagine yourself as a tree your branches at the moment are drooping down lifeless.

It’s time to cut the drama with the following –

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  • Withdraw for a moment from all stimuli that bombards you. Your television, your newspaper, your social media accounts, your radio! They are all overburdening your senses with persuasive messages that vie with each other to get your attention. This creates Drama in your internal world and you are left wondering where to lay your subscription.
  • Mentally ground yourself to find the true you and get to your core beliefs and goals. De-clutter all the mediating circumstances which create your conflict. This will bring in your focus which is a much-needed thing for you to cope in the world and find your path where you can march with purpose.
  • Check the people around you, and see if you can distance yourself a little. There is a high probability that a lot of your issues and success definitions arise out of the daily interactions and competition which happens at the subconscious level and not overtly. What you surround yourself with and talk about frequently, becomes your mental script. Lunch time gossips make you want to swirl in with the latest designer bag or, park hangouts create a craving for longer rounds. Gym saunas make you frustrated at your weight goals that are far from being achieved, and you go plummeting in the dark, dismal zone of depression. Being a part of a fitness group chat may make you feel that everyone seems to be chic and savvy except you. Being on a food group may make you feel all others can cook up a five-star menu and you are a peasant who can just roll out nothing but chapattis. Take a chill pill, as the purpose of the group is to show skills and people tend to go a little overboard!
  • Distance is your choice. Take an inventory of what is absolutely necessary and what can go. The ones who are playing too much on your psyche, but not contributing in any way to your life, can be given few days off or let go of forever. Leave that social media group chat, exercise in your own complex rather than a park, or change your gym as soon as you can. Bring in some sunshine back into your life. Focus on the supportive elements of your life and spend more time with them, instead of chasing that which eludes you why not be content with that which is provided to you.
  • Gather your vital dreams and goals and put yourself on a track that would bring you smiles and not frowns. Create a mentally happy picture of that, which you want to get. Break up some achievable sub-goals and celebrate them silently when you do reach them. Is there really any need to advertise every single detail?
  • Curtail the broadcast habit and stop soliciting every advice on matters that concern you. Trust few voices and most importantly your own. Try and put yourself in an era when all your present mediums did not exist. “Did the daughter immediately Skype her mom after an argument with her husband or, did she in those yonder times sit back contemplate and work it out?” Things do work out unless heavy abuse is present. “Did your grandmother feel low when she put on few pounds as a girl?” She did not sweat all so much. Why not relax about our contemporary notions of health and wealth?
  • Develop a new hobby at periodic intervals. Something that is different and non-challenging. Read a children’s comic or watch a kids’ movie just like that. Take up knitting or crocheting or swimming or gardening. It will be your sojourn to rejuvenate. Anything that will put you out of that slumber of restless anxiety.
  • Regularly check whose drama and battle you are carrying and participating in. Train yourself to give out a firm refusal instead of falling into the approval seeking trap and wanting to be liked all the times. It is OK to be not liked by a few people. Bid hostile ones or argumentative ones Good-bye! Mentally take a pair of scissors and cut the control they have over you. See them sail away from you, till you feel safe.
  • Make yourself your best development project and work on it consistently. You came into this world with your beautiful self. You have to maintain yourself and, you will have to exit content with only and only your lovely self. Make the best of it by minimizing the drama.

Angels wish the best for you but you have to co-participate in creating your own wellness.

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About the Author

Sonnal Pardiwala

Blogger, Teacher, Spiritual Healer. Endeavors to establish Women's dignity by effective assertion and active blogging. Compassion, assertiveness, re-invention of self keeps her going. A quadragenarian, who is amused at everything in life! Author read more...

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