6 Unbelievable ‘Bride Seeing’ Meetings That Happened To Women. Really.

What is the worst that could happen at a 'bride seeing' meeting, all too common in India, when the prospective groom's family comes to see you for the first time? Let's find out!

What is the worst that could happen at a ‘bride seeing’ meeting, all too common in India, when the prospective groom’s family comes to see you for the first time? Let’s find out!

We are all fairly aware of the awkward as hell Indian custom of a boy’s family going ‘ladki dekhne’ for him. Sounds so similar to going shopping in a mall, to be honest. As much as the custom showcases how shamelessly nasty and nosy the groom’s side can often be, there are some hilarious instances that some women shared on Quora.

No lefties wanted

This family which rejected a gem of a girl under the guise of transparently ridiculous excuses.

“But to Kruti’s family’s relief, next day Nikhil’s dad called up, and to my utter surprise they said no, thankfully. But, sure enough they had a validated-and-accountable reason for this, “Kruti is lefty, we don’t want a lefty progeny.”
Lefty or righty are distant thoughts, I wish those people some luck, next time at least get a little brainy, hearty and mannerful progeny.” – Purwa Rojinder

Please say no, please?

This poor guy who just wanted to marry his girlfriend and set up his business in peace.

“After a minute he told me that he is in a serious relationship with a girl for three years but his parents are not giving their consent as the girl’s caste is different. He told me to say no to his parents.” – Madhurima Dwivedi

Pics Vs People

This innocent delusional guy who doesn’t understand the sorcery of filters and the difference between pictures and real people.

“Me : hello

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He: Hi

Me: how are you?

He: hey you look different

Me : how different

He : you look better in pictures

Me : what? Okay may be I am photogenic .

He: so what do you do?

Me : hey, I got to go I am a bit busy.” – Indraja Deshpande

Let me tell you…

This dude who is already smothering her with his opinions, WITHOUT even meeting once. Arranged marriages have a way of making guys feel entitled to anything. So shy, though, wow.

“The dude – “I don’t think your parents are aware of this. I also don’t think you should be studying so far away from home with so many strange guys and all.
As for me, I don’t speak to girls much. Shy is coming talking to you. What about you?'” – Ranjana Mani

Ask me anything…later!

This girl is an inspiration. Couldn’t have shown the door to that smug, sexist idiot better.

“Guy: Girls are usually bad at maths, no problem. btw I am impressed that you gave partially correct answer to my question. Didn’t expected that from an arts major. Why did you took maths in undergrad?
my cousin(now decided to teach this guy a lesson): We use a lot of maths in sociology. My PhD work was based on mathematical modelling. Its good that your favorite subject is maths. I have some doubts which I think you can clear.
Guy(somewhat tensed) : You can ask me anything but right now we have some other important stuff to discuss.” – Ayushi Singhal

Wanted: Ultra Sanskaari bahu

These ultra-sanskaari parents looking for an ultra-sanskaari bahu, oh dear god.

“Boy’s dad (BD): So child, do you watch tv shows?

Me: Yeah, I do.

BD: I mean, do you watch any “dharmik” (religious) tv shows?

Me (thinking if Vampire Diaries can be considered religious or not): Yes, I watch Mahabharata (the recent version which used to air on Star Plus)”

I could go on with this thread because the incidents are so prominent and everybody can understand exactly how all these instances would have panned out. Even though instances are funny, it is extremely weird to see such things still happening. I understand that parents care about their children and that there is nothing wrong with arranged marriage, however, it is time that we changed our ‘process’ to find the correct life partner. The filters put on the shopping website need to change and adapt according to the time.

And of course, more autonomy to the person who is supposed to get married is essential if parents want them to lead a happy life.

Top image is a screen grab from the movie Hum Aapke Hain Kaun

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Parul Sharma

New Delhi, India I like to read, write, and talk. A feminist through and through, with a soft spot for chocolate. read more...

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