These 11 Indian Feminist Bloggers Are Making A Difference To Women’s Lives Through Digital Feminism

Here is a list of some Indian feminist bloggers who write on issues pertaining to women, making a difference to their lives. How many do you know?

Here is a list of some Indian feminist bloggers who write on issues pertaining to women, making a difference to their lives. How many do you know?

In the world of instant social media users, women are increasingly coming forward to voice their opinion on feminism and other women issues.

For many years, women used the blogging medium as an outlet to pursue their passion for writing or sharing their opinions. Unlike the short 140 characters rants on twitter, blogs are subscribed to through email and the comments are sometimes more thought provoking than the actual blog posts.

Along with snippets of personal life, some of these women also advocate for equal women’s rights, and point out the gender inequality happening in India. Let’s see some of these women bloggers from India who don’t hesitate to support feminism through their writing.

Indian Home Maker


Just like any other Indian homemaker, IHM started writing on this blog about her day to day life and her daughter (who passed away a few years ago) Tejaswee Rao‘s childhood and memories. This blog has now grown to be one of the top feminist blogs of India.

She blogs about a varying range of women’s topics ranging from gender bias faced by women owing to patriarchy to female foeticide, dowry practices, sexual violence to the issues of women in Indian marriages to parenting and religion! Her posts resonate with a majority of women in India – she gets requests from women who prefer being anonymous but want to seek help from the blogging world. Real stories by real women are presented on her blog which has now turned into a discussion forum for women to come forward in helping each other.

Visit her blog here.

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Sanjukta Basu


Sanjukta Basu wears many feathers in her cap. She is known as a travel writer, a wedding photographer, and a feminist blogger. On her travel blog, she jots down her travel experiences of being a Single Woman Budget Traveller. She has recently started Sanjukta Media, a social media communication consultancy firm. Sanjukta is very active on social media platforms, and has been awarded a TED fellowship for her blogging and social media activities.

Visit her blog here.

Kirthi Jayakumar


Founder of the Red Elephant Foundation and author of two books, Kirthi is a lawyer who works extensively on women’s issues and rights. She works as a UN volunteer and specializes in Human Rights and International Law. A popular TED Speaker, she also handles Femcyclopedia, a curation of doodled portraits of women showcasing their success stories. She has written extensively on Women’s Web on gender stereotypes and patriarchy.

Visit her blog here.

Sangitha Krishnamurthi


Sangitha started this blog as she loved writing. Apart from describing her life in Bangalore and jotting down the learnings while parenting, her blog has touched various sensitive issues like prostitution and adoption. Over the years, her opinions gave way to thought provoking discussions like the one on legalizing prostitution and giving those women their rights and due.

Visit her blog here.

Shail Mohan


A long time personal blogger who stumbled onto the blog world by chance, Shail Mohan is known for her poetry and fiction snippets. She explores her interest in photography through her photo blog and specializes in bird photography. She also notes down the adventures of her dog Luci, by having a separate blog for her. Though she has varied interests, she also pens down her strong feminist voice in her blog, in her own humorous style.

Visit her blog here.

Amrita Mukherjee


A journalist by profession, Amrita Mukherjee turned to blogging after the arrival of her son in 2010. Juggling between the roles of motherhood and freelance writer she is the author of a fiction book, Exit Interview. Her latest book, Museum of Memories is a collection of short stories which hit the stores last week. On her blog she writes about women’s issues, as she always aspired to. Amrita hopes to make a difference through her blog in the way this world perceives women.

Visit her blog here.

Unmana Dutta


A marketing professional, Unmana Dutta specializes in online content marketing while writing for multiple publications, Women’s Web being one of them. Unmana has also authored a book, The Voices in my Head. Along with sharing her thoughts on books, movies, marketing and career development, she writes on feminism too. In 2015, she blogged for 100 days on spreading positive feminism and writing a series, Feminist Joys.

Visit her blog here.

Suranga Date


A senior citizen, retired from IITB as a technical staff in department of Computer Science, Suranga Date started blogging in 2006. Her blog name is Ugich Konitari (which means someone just like that) where she shares her childhood memories and her opinions on the happening events around her. Through her satirical humor, she points to the issues faced by women in general. She owns multiple blogs to cater to her diverse interests like poetry and medical science.

Visit her blog here.

Rachna Parmar


Rachna Parmar, a mother of two boys is known mostly as a parenting blogger who also shares her cooking skills through her cookery blog. Being a content writer, she has managed to write on varied topics on her blog, which includes social issues on women too. Rachna provides a perspective of stay-at-home women scrutinized for their choices and being independent through freelance writing, while managing the family relationships, and raising young boys to treat women fairly.

Visit her blog here.

Richa Singh


Richa Singh, earlier known as subzeroricha in the Twitter world actively tweets away her thoughts and opinions on varied topics. She can never resist pouring her thoughts over woman-centric issues, be it the Anti Romeo Squads or women’s harassment. She is the brain behind BlogChatter which conducts weekly Twitter chats bringing bloggers together over interesting conversations.

Visit her blog here.

Nabanita Dhar


A freelance writer and a new author in the making, Nabanita collects her random thoughts in her blog. A mother to a toddler, her experiences of motherhood reflect in her MommyTalks. But Nabanita also blogs strongly about gender parity. She has posted a series of posts under #FeministMondays (previously under the hashtag #IAmAFeminist) to make women realize their worth.

Visit her blog here.

The past few years have seen many new bloggers taking root in the Indian blogosphere, owing to the various support groups like IndiBlogger and the recurring blogathons which happen quite frequently. These group events like #AtoZChallenges bring various bloggers together which helps in expanding their reader audience to a wider reach. Connecting on social media websites like Facebook and Twitter provides an easy way for the readers to get updated with the new blog posts.

With more women coming forward to share their experiences and fighting for women’s rights through their writing, a wider audience is forced to think differently and to challenge the patriarchal notions of women. These Indian feminist bloggers are an example of how digital media is influential in bringing about a mindset change among Indians towards respecting women.

Pictures of the individual Indian feminist bloggers courtesy each blogger.

Header image: pixabay

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About the Author

Archana K B

A software professional by education, and a stay-at-home mom by choice. You would often find me scouting around on social media , tweeting or posting photos on Instagram when I am not writing for read more...

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