Check Your Own Prejudice And Internalised Racism Before Pointing Fingers At Outsiders

Prejudice against Indians in the West in the form of racist attacks has been making news for some time now. But we Indians have our internalised racism too!

Prejudice against Indians in the West in the form of racist attacks has been making news for some time now. But we Indians have our internalised racism too!

We don’t need them for racism. Indians are people that have a racist biased against their own kind.

Internalised Racism

That’s what thousands of years of invasion and colonization does to the collective psyche of a race. We believe that anything written in English is superior to what we can ever write in Sanskrit/ Hindi or any other Aryan-Dravidian language. This is bullsh*t, but let’s call a spade a spade first.

The bias doesn’t end at the level of language. Anything that is ‘foreign’ is always superior to what is locally grown. Be it cinema, art, music, merchandise, cars… the list is endless. If something is not made in India, it has to be better.


Do you know what the word Yoga means in Sanskrit? It means nothing. Do you know what Yog means? It means union of Yin and Yang energy. Yes, all it needs is an A — A used in ass — to change Yog into Yoga. But Indians use the word Yoga over Yog because that’s what Englishmen do.

I have heard Indians speaking RamA and KrishnA over Ram and Krishna (‘a’ is silent) and I cringe— Every. Single. Time. At least speak your own language properly.

Intellectual Entrapment

Why do cultures from South Asia put so much emphasis on feminine energies? Or at least they used to, in the good old days.

Yatra naryastu pujayante ramante tatra devataha. (Where feminine is worshipped, gods dance in joy!)

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It’s the feminine –Women and Children— of a culture that carries the cultural heritage for posterity. I use capital letters because here I am not talking about the biological gender but the feminine archetypes.

What happened in India?

Thanks to the invasions and years of colonization Indian society was systematically brainwashed for centuries to lend its feminine resources to the study of western cultures.

Side Effect: The systematic study of the Indian cultures never took place, bar few minor exceptions, by Indian people. YogA came back to India only after it became a fashion in the USA.

Right now, at present, many Indian film personalities are going ga-ga over LA LA LAND as if it’s a new phenomenon for Indians. It’s not. The use of dance and music is part of the cinematic narration in Indian films. But when it’s done in India, it is banal, when it is done in LA LA LAND, it is sublime.

Exactly why?

The inferiority complex is in the minds of Indians.

This is what happens when a culture suffers from intellectual entrapment that India has suffered.

So how do we counter this?

  • Learn Your Language: Let’s go grassroots. And as it’s said in the movie Arrival, “The language shapes the way a mind can think.” We are born with a superior edge here. Indians have at their exposure a language that is very rich for the study of certain sciences. There are 96 words in Sanskrit to describe love. There is only one word for it in English. It says something. Indians are born with superior emotional intelligence. Another example where Indians have a superior edge is mental sciences. Western world is far from reaching where Indian civilization had reached in the study of mental sciences 3000 years back.
  • Aspire To Be Master of Both Worlds: Western civilization is neither a god who saved humanity from medieval ages nor a monster that is dragging the world to its peril. Be objective. Just like many great civilizations of the past, western civilization is a way of living that has its strengths and weaknesses. Embrace the strength. Sure. But be wary of the weaknesses. Follow what they say in Buddhism, Madhyam Marg. Middle path. Aspire to be a master of both the worlds. Opt for the material understanding of the yang, western, and material cultures. But never let go your footing in your own yin, eastern, and mind culture.
  • Understand the nature of prejudice. Indians need to study prejudice systematically because they have no idea that they are biased AGAINST other Indians.

Read books, watch movies, hear pop-culture, do what you have to do to understand this demon. PREJUDICE.


Image source: pixabay

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About the Author

Kirtida Gautam

Kirtida Gautam is a Clinical Psychologist. She has a Diploma of Performing Arts in Dramatics and an MFA in Screenplay Writing from Film and Television Institute of India, Pune. She is the author of yet read more...

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