Why Meeting With My School Friends After So Many Years Has Been So Wonderful!

Do your friends from your teenage years still matter to you? What difference do these erstwhile school friends make to a woman's life?

Do your friends from your teenage years still matter to you? What difference do these erstwhile school friends make to a woman’s life?

Last year, something wonderful happened in my life. I had a reunion with my school friends after about 14 years. Even after such a long period of time, it came as no surprise that we reconnected easily, as if those years did not exist at all. Yes, we had grown up, yet we became teens once again in each other’s company. Now we meet once in a while and these meetings have become a stress-buster for me.

That is when I realized for each of us, especially women, meeting with your teen friends can have such an amazing effect. This is how it has helped me:

I can be me

When I am with my school friends, I do not have to put on a fake personality or hide behind a smile. I can show off my greys with pride and I can wear clothes that give away my paunch. Most of them have it, so I feel good! They have remained what they were and they allow me to be who I am.

I am a teenager again

I am giggling and screaming. I do not care if anyone is looking at us or if we are making too much noise. I laugh so hard that my jaws start complaining. They coax me to have fun and they make me realize life is indeed good.

Problems seem to lose its sheen

Each of us have some or the other issues at home, be it about finances, children’s education or ailing parents. Yet, with them, I feel I am not alone and that I would be able to cope. And there are always some crazy ones in there who crack a joke about everything, even serious problems! That do work, you know, to beat stress.

I wanna dance

When we are together, no one seems to have two left feet. I can dance with abandon, even when others are watching. The emulating of funny moves, the misinterpretation of ‘Sheela ki jawani’, it is all there. I am again that little girl who wants to have all the fun.

There is more sunshine around me

They make me feel valued, loved and acknowledged. They praise me for my small achievements and they have made me love life more. I look forward to our meetings to drop some tension, to get some perspective and to realize that to be able to laugh is not that difficult. This is something that we forget in our hectic life.

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Catching up with old friends has given me so many gifts. So, go and get hold of them, even if there is only one. Let your hair down with them and you will find your spirits up!

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Image source: shutterstock


About the Author

Rajlakshmi Kurup

Rajlakshmi Kurup is a freelance writer. An introvert most of the time, she loves some people! She is a dreamer and would like to remain one! read more...

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