What’s Your Secret To Surviving Heartbreak? Share!

When that someone, who once loved you loves you no longer, that is the most painful feeling ever! How to survive a heart break & carry on? #WomenOnTheMove

When that someone who once loved you, loves you no longer, that is the most painful feeling ever! How do you survive heartbreak and carry on? We discuss.

Heartbreak is a multi-faceted beast; sometimes you break your own heart because you choose the wrong person to fall in love with and then sometimes, someone else breaks your heart saying you were the wrong choice. Either way, your heart is broken and the pain is unfathomable.

Trust me, we have all been there or will be there at some point of our lives; a time when we’ll feel gutted inside; think that we will be sucked in deep into this giant sinkhole; where escape will not be an option and being happy not a choice anymore.

Whether someone we love deeply chooses to leave us, a close friend or a family member passes away or something that we’ve been working so hard on for our entire life doesn’t work out, it can feel impossible to accept. But that’s exactly what needs to happen. We cannot make someone fall in love with us, no matter how hard we try. 

Yesterday, we had our weekly #WomenOnTheMove chat over at Twitter, where we discussed how to survive heartbreak. Is the pain different for men and women? This is what our tweeples said. We also had with us author Ira Trivedi who has written previously, India In Love, and now explores love and heartbreak in her new novel, Nikhil And Riya.

(If you’re not yet following Women’s Web on Twitter, do now, and you can come over for the chat too, every Wednesday 6-7PM IST).

Some tips for healing

Believe in yourself

Time is the greatest healer

Engage in meaningful activities

Talk to loved ones, let it out, talk. It is important!

Dating after a break up — immediate or take it slow?

Indian women — making more informed choices

One thing about love that has proved true?

Is the pain of a heart break different for men & women?

Yes, heartbreaks are painful but we need to accept it and move on. You can get over your heartbreak with more ease and better sense of self if you let go and realize the worst part is over and it’s time for you to move on with life!

And if you are in Bangalore, join us on Saturday, February 4th, for a fun event on What Women Want (in love and relationships), where you’ll meet Ira Trivedi and other engaging speakers.

Image: Pixabay


About the Author

Jyotishree Mohanty

A part time backpacker, an accidental baker, a doting mother, a loving wife, a pampered daughter, an inspired blogger, an amateur photographer read more...

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