The Most Important Secret Ingredient You Need For Raising A Confident Child!

As mothers, we aim and dream about raising confident children who are successful, talented, and well-behaved. Here is what it needs!

As mothers, we aim and dream about raising confident children who are successful, talented, and well-behaved. Here is what it needs!

All these dreams take shape even before we have laid eyes on that little bundle of joy or realized that we haven’t thought about the many steps that come before achieving that goal. In fact, we have no idea about what it takes to raise a child.

Motherhood is the vast ocean into which expectant mothers take a giant, blind leap without the most essential piece of equipment, CONFIDENCE.

Children emulate their mothers since moms are the usual caregivers. If the mother appears confident, it will automatically inculcate confidence in the child as a personality trait. But how can we appear confident despite feeling clueless?

Follow the cornerstones of confidence listed below and find yourself radiating confidence as a new mother!

Be prepared

Motherhood is a one-way trip which involves 9 months of preparation. This time should be utilized efficiently and effectively in order to prepare for the upcoming wave of adventure.

A lot of mothers familiarize themselves with the process of childbirth without thinking about how they are going to actually handle the baby.

The best thing to do would be to find a ‘baby buddy’ or a friend who has had a baby recently. She will be able to provide the right kind of advice as to how to prepare yourself for the oncoming bundle of joy. Her memory will be fresh and she can also provide the right kind of baby-handling tips.

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Be aware

Complete awareness is an essential tool for any mother even when her kids are grown up.

Every mother has a sixth sense and this should be utilized well in order to be aware of how your baby is reacting or responding to different situations and things. This will signal the appropriate warning flags about an oncoming illness like a fever or the symptoms of a growth spurt in a child.

Believe in yourself

The arrival of a new baby usually means that you are surrounded by a large number of well-meaning family members and friends who will be doling out huge amounts of unsolicited advice and opinions on how your child needs to be raised.

This can prove to be extremely overwhelming for an inexperienced new mom. Every mom knows what is best for her child and this trumps any amount of motherhood experience. Think about what suits you and your child and go for it.

Beware of guilt-trippers

There are many new moms who take unconventional decisions regarding their babies like deciding to keep a nanny from the day the child is born or returning to work within weeks of the birth of the child.

Remember, no 2 moms or no 2 kids are the same and their situations can never be compared. Everyone has a different family situation and we need to adapt accordingly while trying to do the best for our babies.

Family and friends are just bystanders who will provide unsolicited opinions without proper knowledge of the actual situations. They can make you feel extremely guilty about returning to work or using any kind of outside help in order to care for your child. Remember that you know what is best for your child and nothing else matters.

Never allow anyone to guilt-trip you!

Once you have established these confidence cornerstones, you can be a completely confident mother who can raise a confident and successful child.

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About the Author

Pooja Rajeendranath

I am a management grad with experience in banking and customer service. Currently I am a full time mother to 2 boys aged 9 and 5 read more...

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