The Story Of Brand New Mothers Everywhere. Come, Fall In Love With Your New Born!

From the time you hold that precious stick with two horizontal pink lines, you enter into a new world, a new journey, as you become a brand new mother.

From the time you hold that precious stick with two horizontal pink lines, you enter into a new world, a new journey, as you become a brand new mother.

We instinctively start caring for the new life inside us more than we have cared for anyone before. Its well-being becomes our first priority. Our unborn child gives us the courage and strength to overcome the unpleasant recurring episodes of morning sickness, back pain , fatigue, gastrointestinal problems, and more. We patiently wait for the end of 40 weeks to behold the most precious gift of our life.

The arrival of our little angel fills our hearts with a brand of joy, hitherto unknown to us. And it is only then that we realize, that tending to the needs of a new born is way more difficult than we had ever imagined it to be.

In our efforts to make it a pleasant experience for our very precious ‘just arrived’ bundle of joy, we give up a few hours of sleep, our favourite foods and devote all the waking hours to our little one’s comforts. Helping our little angel acclimatize, thrive and grow becomes our chief concern. We face the remarks on our dark circles, messy hair and complete loss of interest in stepping outside our nest or to beautify ourselves with a graceful smile.

Our internet time revolves around researching the length of feed, baby burps, baby sleep requirements, baby tummy maladies, foods to be avoided by nursing moms, etc. We religiously follow the advice of the two mothers and the internet experts to keep our almost newborn in flourishing health.

Every hiccup and tear is an alarm button for further research. A few sneezes almost always merit a visit to the paediatrician. Any sarcastic remarks and smiles never deter our firm determination to visit the paediatrician’s chamber and seek her most precious advice…

Decimal points had never seemed as relevant as they do now whereby every few grams of increase in baby’s body weight calls for a celebration. An indicator that we are doing it right. That we are awesome mothers.

A few times a month, while the baby is asleep, we feel the urge to get back in touch with the world around. Towards that end, we pick up a newspaper or magazine. We feel lost. We realise that we are oblivious to most stories. While flipping through the pages of our favourite magazine, we stop and admire the beautiful models with hour glass figures. And, sometimes feel nostalgic about our pre-pregnancy life. We resolve to hit the gym, soon enough. Though in our hearts we know that we may not see the ‘soon enough’ for a long long time.

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A quick and rare call to our dear mother or our best friend or our sister acts like a mood booster. However, we are extremely cautious to speak in a hushed tone. For, we have internalized that every added hour of sleep counts towards our newborn’s growth and development.

The lady who was once nervous to hold her ‘just born’ teeny tiny baby or cleaning and changing their clothes, becomes more confident with each passing day. Each day, she falls in love all over again with her baby… the way they curve their lips or wiggle in her arms or the ever- changing expressions on their faces, even when they are asleep. And… she marvels at her unbelievably amazing metamorphosis.

Published here earlier.

Image source: wiki commons


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