Five Highly Positive New Year Resolutions Everyone Should Make!

These highly positive new year resolutions will help you get closer to the common goal of happiness and contentment. Try them out!

These highly positive new year resolutions will help you get closer to the common goal of happiness and contentment. Try them out!

Another year has gone by and has left us with some sweet and bitter memories; with some moments to cherish forever and some regrets! We all have numerous New Year resolutions in mind… plans to adapt a new habit or forgo an old one. From exercising or switching to a healthy diet, quitting a bad habit or pursuing a hobby, the promises made to one’s self in the beginning of a year are endless.

The resolutions are nothing but our attempt to achieve a life full of happiness and contentment. There are a few resolutions we should all make to achieve this common goal.

Choose to be happy

Every day we have pleasant and unpleasant moments that are beyond our control; but whether they affect us and in what way is a matter of our choice. Choose to not be influenced by others’ actions and behaviour, choose to ignore unhappy thoughts, choose to not seek happiness in others. Happiness doesn’t just happen; it is a choice we make every day! Smile often, be grateful for your blessings and take time to do things that make you happy. After all, happiness is a common goal that all of us work towards.

Love yourself

Self doubt is out; self love is in. Stop doubting and criticizing yourself. Nobody is flawless, but it is imperfection that makes us human. Embrace your weaknesses as you embrace your strengths. Self love acts as a potion for all the other relationships around us. Love yourself unconditionally and without any expectations! (Don’t wait to lose weight or be more organized in order to love yourself.) Forgive yourself for the mistakes you made, let go of the bad experiences and treat yourself well, it sets the tone for how others will treat you.

Love ‘YOUR’ Zindagi 

Life can be complicated or simple, perfect or flawed, joyful or miserable; it depends on what you make it. To you your life may not seem like the best of what you deserve but to someone else you might appear to be living a fairytale. We don’t always get a perfect life but we can make it a happy life. After all it is your ‘Zindagi’; live it to the fullest and the best you can.

Don’t be afraid

Fear is what holds us back from trying new avenues, reaching out to people, and speaking our mind. Become fearless! Attempt doing things that you have never done in past; be it travelling alone or trying a new sport, it is bound to lift up your spirit. Make yourself available to new people and new opportunities. Every person you meet and every situation you come across is an opportunity to learn. And most of all don’t be afraid to speak your mind; what you think and how you feel. Expressing yourself is the most amazing form of respect that you can show to yourself.

Think positive 

Our mind is the most powerful tool we can use to change our lives. What we think determines our actions and our destiny. As quoted by Lousie Hay – “Every Thought we think is creating our future”. Negative thoughts can drain us of our energy; positive thoughts, on the other hand inspire and motivate us to reach our goals. Positive thinking guides us to find solutions to problems leading to desired results.

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