Delicious Food Ideas For Kids! And You Get? #NoMoreFuss

Here are some food ideas for kids to get them eat what you want them to eat. After all, an ideal day for most parents with young children is when it is a ‘no fuss’ day for food!

‘No more fuss’ – the idea is easier said than executed when it comes to kids. As parents, we are constantly told that your kids will soon outgrow this stage and become the ‘dream child’ that you always wanted your child to be when it come to good eating habits.

Moms especially are also judged by the eating habits of their kids and you can do little but feel hurt and ignore it when you hear an aunty say, “His/her mother must be lazy. That is why he is eating only French fries!”

Little does she know the efforts your put in for organising your children’s meals! Being a mother of two toddlers under the age of 5, trust me, I am on your team!

So, here are some ideas that can help us win this ‘battle of nutrition’ when it comes to little ones.

Dosa with egg

I came across this interesting entry by one of the participants at the No More Fuss contest going on right now at Women’s Web, and am surely going to try this out. It sounds simple.. All you have to do is make a simple dosa (rice or semolina dosa) and top it up with eggs to increase the nutrition quotient in it.

Playing with shapes and colors also makes ‘meal time’ interesting for kids. Razor Rasu says that his baby loves a ‘Mickey Mouse’ dosa and starts nibbling from the ears first! How cute is that!

I am also sharing below some of my own recipes that are sure-fire winners at my household.

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Oats and Chicken soup

The ingredients of this preparation shout out ‘health’. This is a simple preparation and a big hit with my younger one. The taste makes him happy and his happy tummy makes his mommy happy. Here you go:


Powdered oats : 2 tbsps

Chicken leg : 1 (I always buy from a reputed meat provider like Licious as they deliver clean and fresh meat. So, I am assured while serving it to my kids.)

Salt and pepper


Boil the chicken leg nicely until soft. You can shred it if your child likes pieces in his soup or give it a churn in the mixer. Take one cup water (240 ml) and cook powdered oats in it until mushy. Add the chicken and the chicken broth and bring it to a boil. Adjust consistency. Add salt, pepper and serve hot.

Veggie Spaghetti

This is one of my own recipes as my 4 year old toddler wanted to eat spaghetti because ‘Peppa Pig’ eats it. It would have been simpler to just give him Maggi but what the heck…we will make this healthy too!


Boiled Vegetables Puree (onion, beans, carrot, peas, capsicum) – 1 cup

Tomatoes (Blanched and peeled) – 1

Spaghetti  (boiled and refreshed) – 2 cups

Salt and pepper

Maggi Masala-e-Magic – 2 tsp (optional)

Butter – 1 tbsp


Heat the butter in a pan and add the boiled vegetable puree in it. Once cooked nicely, add the tomato puree to make a thick sauce. Add salt, pepper and maggi masala to eat as per your child’s liking. Mix in the spaghetti and serve hot.

Remember, each child has a different taste. The mantra is to tap that taste and blend it with health. Happy cooking!

A healthy and a balanced meal is essential for all of us, all the more for growing kids. Most parents would agree that making a fussy eater eat a wholesome meal is a challenge in itself.

#NoMoreFuss Contest Time!

Are you up for it? Share your innovative ideas, presentation and many hacks that go to make a dish your child likes! One of our readers made a healthy filling sandwich with grated carrot, cheese, mushrooms, corn and potatoes, while another mom used a skewer to get her daughter eat fruits, since that is how she likes her chicken. How cool is that!

Have you used any hacks lately to feed your fussy eater? If yes, we would love to see those food pictures or pictures of your kids enjoying the food.

Reward yourself for the effort by being a part of the #NoMoreFuss Contest (details including terms here) – all participants receive discounts, while the top 3 entries get Rs.500 vouchers for delicious Krunchies!

Top image courtesy


About the Author

Ruchi Verma

Ruchi Verma Rajan is a woman on a mission of self-discovery. An avid reader since childhood, she grew up in the idyllic world of Enid Blyton and went on to devour the age old read more...

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