Mamma, What Does Gay Mean? Is It Time We Had That Talk? #WomenOnTheMove

Parents there is no right time. It's upto you to time it right & talk about sexuality & different sexual orientation with your children. #WomenOnTheMove

“Mamma, what does gay mean?” Asks the innocent child, and the parent blushes…and stutters. Here’s how not to be that parent.

“Mama, do you know we were talking about ‘family’ today in school & I was surprised that there were kids who had two daddies and no mommies, and one had two mommies and no daddies. Isn’t it strange?” asked my 5 year old.

Explaining this scenario to a 5 year old was a bit of a predicament for me. What should I tell her? How should I tell her? Is this the right time? How do I put my words across with age appropriate knowledge?

Sooner or later every parent has to sit down with their children and talk about sexuality and different sexual orientation. But when is the right time to talk with children is of course up to each parent to decide.

A 5 year old might not understand these concepts, that some of us as adults are still coming to terms with. Earlier this week, we had our weekly #Womenonthemove chat over at Twitter, and this is what we discussed. (If you’re not yet following Women’s Web on Twitter, do now, and you can come over for the chat too, every Thursday 6-7PM IST).

But we can always start with baby steps!

Why? Because not only will it help in preparing our children for potentially unpleasant situations but also will strengthen the child-parent bond and mutual trust.

The conversation should of course be adjusted to the child’s age and level of understanding.

In a society where anything even remotely related to ‘SEX‘ is a ‘TABOO’ this discussion is usually dropped!

As parents we need to understand: distorted knowledge can prove to be more dangerous than full & actual knowledge.

But we have grown up with our own set of prejudices. So how do we accept change & explain in the best way possible?

Adaptability is the best way to keep up with change for change is imminent.

We need to understand that the world has come a long way since when we were a child. It has gone through a sea change. And as adults we need to come to terms with this fact and accept it & change accordingly. Nothing is a ‘TABOO’. It’s just our mental block that we need to do away with for good.

Image: Heart rainbow of colours by Shutterstock


About the Author

Jyotishree Mohanty

A part time backpacker, an accidental baker, a doting mother, a loving wife, a pampered daughter, an inspired blogger, an amateur photographer read more...

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