This Is My Life And I Am In Charge [#TuesdayTalkies]

Modern women are increasingly speaking up for themselves and telling the world 'this is my life and I am in charge'. #TuesdayTalkies

Modern women are increasingly speaking up for themselves and telling the world ‘this is my life and I am in charge’. #TuesdayTalkies

Today, being a woman no longer only means to be a wife, or a mother, or just a pretty looking girl. Yes we are more than just a pretty face! We are so less like our subservient, idealistic past generation self. We are increasingly taking charge of our own lives and asking questions that were always there in our minds; but this time, we’re doing it out, aloud. We are no longer oblivious to our surroundings or to our needs. We know what we want and how to ask for it. We know how to take care of ourselves and be confident about the things we know for sure and honest about what we are not so confident about.

At Women’s Web, we invite readers to share their thoughts on one interesting question that is picked by the team and posted on our Facebook page every Tuesday, calling it #TuesdayTalkies. We try picking questions that would interest readers and put them in their thoughts.

Some of the best replies are posted in our next story and one of them also gets to win a Women’s Web mug. Why don’t you try your luck in the next week’s question?

The question for this week was, “Complete the sentence–#WomenShould” Here are 7 best responses from our readers.

Be yourself but break the silence when needed

#WomenShould just be. We are people. Not a gender. Not a sex. Not everything is an offence. Not everything is personal. Not everything is about us. But if something is being done to you or someone around you that goes against basic human rights than speaking up is important. Acting, not reacting is important. We are here to live our lives, our way. No apologies, no defenses and no explanations necessary. And most of all, we have to forgive ourselves. Forgiveness is key to achieving inner peace. – Aarti V Raman

Believe in yourself and also stand up for each other

#WomenShould believe in themselves and be proud of themselves because where you are, is a great feat and where you could be, well the sky is the limit! Also women should help other women grow and be that support for personal and professional growth. We need to start helping each other before seeking support from others out there. – Akshata Bhadranna

You are complete in yourself

#WomenShould just be themselves, be self-assured and self-reliant! They should not try to be like men or compete with men. – Seema Taneja

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Stop judging, start supporting

#WomenShould stop judging other women and support each other. They should stand up for themselves and not endure injustice, disrespect or suffering of any kind. – Anjali Acharya

Make you your priority

#WomenShould always take care of themselves first. Be selfish. Stop worrying about expectations placed on her by others. – Moe Rhinehart

No one can validate you but yourself

#WomenShould stop pleasing others and seeking their validation. It leads to nowhere..keep moving and keep growing. You live only once! – Meha Sharma

This is your life, you are in charge

#WomenShould take decisions that appeal to their rationality irrespective of whether they can be construed selfish or unnecessary. – Sowmya S Sundaram

Image source: Women lying on the floor from Shutterstock


About the Author

Jyotishree Mohanty

A part time backpacker, an accidental baker, a doting mother, a loving wife, a pampered daughter, an inspired blogger, an amateur photographer read more...

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