A Mother’s Day Letter I Wrote To Remind Myself: I’ve Done Great!

"You learnt to believe in yourself and your child." A thoughtful Mother's Day letter this mom writes to herself, about her journey as a mother.

“You learnt to believe in yourself and your child.” A thoughtful Mother’s Day letter this mom writes to herself, about her journey as a mother.

Dear Parul,

You have done a great job as a mum. I have seen you struggling through bad times and bad health. I have seen you going through that all alone and bravely dealing with everything. I saw you when you closed the door and cried your heart out as you struggled to cope. I have witnessed you getting angry at people when they criticized you or labelled your child inappropriately.

I also know how many things you learnt to become a better parent and all the efforts you made to improve as a person. You learnt that each child is different and cannot be compared to anyone else.

You also learnt that if a child is labelled ‘difficult’ by others, it is because they don’t understand or cannot see the true potential. You learnt that each child has unique potential that needs understanding and patience to flourish. You learnt the essential lesson of acceptance through your journey.

You learnt to be patient even though it was the most difficult task but you realized that the only way to be a good parent is to be patient. You learnt that by keeping calm, you can earn trust of your child when he makes mistake. You also learnt that nobody is perfect and you accepted yourself and your child with all the strengths and weaknesses.

You learnt how important it was to take care of yourself, your health and your own needs. Without taking care of yourself you struggled with everything. You learnt that each day is a new day and like a new page of a diary and we can always start afresh no matter how bad the previous chapter has been. You learnt that you have the power to create whatever you want.

You learnt to believe in yourself and your child. Your child could make it to the best schools and could overcome all the barriers in his life because you trusted him and you made him trust himself.

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The ultimate lesson you learnt was to have fun each day and live each day fully without worrying or thinking about tomorrow and live in the present moment and relish each moment of life. You also discovered your own potential by trying very hard, being persistent, being polite and be open to new challenges and learnt that helping others actually makes you more capable and you learnt to be happy in this process.

I think you did a great job and I love you for whatever you did, no matter how difficult it was, it was worth the journey.

Lots and lots of love,


Image source: mom with children by Shutterstock.


About the Author


I am a homemaker and a mother who is passionate about all the aspects of life and I like to experiment and explore to enrich my experience. I share my experience as guidelines. Reader's read more...

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