Moms Need ‘Me’ Time Too

Most dads do not need to be reminded of taking some time off for themselves then why do moms need to negotiate for some 'ME' time?

Most dads do not need to be reminded of taking some time off for themselves then why do moms need to negotiate for some ‘me time’?

I am a mother myself and an avid exponent of mothers taking care of themselves and getting some ‘me time’. We often see that mothers either think they’re not worth it, or they think that they are too needed at all times to carve out some time for themselves.

Between jobs, spouses, children and other commitments, it is hard to get some spare time for yourself in the day. But isn’t that unfair?

Taking care of yourself is the most important gift you can give yourself, your children, and your family. Putting others’ needs first might work for a while, but eventually, it won’t.

And it is more than likely that it might have negative consequences on you physically, mentally, and emotionally. Health problems, anxiety, depression, and relationship issues are just some of them.

And trust me these issues will not only have an adverse effect on you, but also on your children. Therefore mothers take care of yourself and give yourself a time-out!

Just last week a Facebook post from Bunmi Laditan, a mother went viral on social media. This post is particluarly important in the light of how important it is for mothers to take some time off from their children, husband and other commitments in order to maintain their sanity. Take a look at the post here:

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Image source: Woman drinking by Pixabay


About the Author

Jyotishree Mohanty

A part time backpacker, an accidental baker, a doting mother, a loving wife, a pampered daughter, an inspired blogger, an amateur photographer read more...

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