The Modern Indian Woman Wants A More Equal Love. Is Her Man Ready?

What does the modern Indian woman (and her male counterpart) want from love? Some things are eternal, but some have changed!

What does the modern Indian woman (and her male counterpart) want from love? Some things are eternal, but some have changed!

Move over Superman, this is the age of Wonder Woman. What am I talking about? Just the fact, that it has taken 5000 plus odd years of so-called civilization for the world to finally catch up to the fact that there is far more to women than being the ‘other’ half of man’s world.

Like the proverbial London Bridge, the age-old notions about ‘What Women Want’ have come crashing down.

Yes, there is no denying that some things have changed when it comes to love and relationships. If you read on and find yourself nodding, then you have got what I am talking about.

You would know that we do not expect our partners to just be there, but expect a deeper sense of attachment through their thoughts, emotions and actions.

Here are my takeaways about love today.

Move over mushy gifts, it is thoughtful gifts that count!

There was a time when roses and chocolates were considered the most romantic gifts for women. Now, we’ve moved beyond these ‘standardized’ gifts. Gifts that are really useful and really thought through are appreciated. Enrolment in a hobby class or a gym, gifting a vacation, a subscription to a newsletter and such gifts are more relevant to women like us.

We also understand that our partners will have the same expectations from us while choosing a gift for them. And yes, we are more than happy to have this arrangement rather than impractical gifts.

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The modern Indian woman wants action, not just words

A working woman’s life has so many more aspects to it than a working man’s life. She is expected to run the house, look after the kids, manage the guests and so on.

What we really need and cherish at this time is some real time help. Luckily for us, men have also evolved and begun to understand this complexity much better than ever before. So, doing their fair share for cleaning, picking up the kids, fetching the groceries and in any other way is much appreciated.

Sensitive men are in!

Like any other human being, we will also have our bad days; days when we just want to curl up inside our blankets and not have to prove ourselves. Men have always had this liberty to laze. The good news is that both these concepts are changing or ‘evolving’ as we would like to call it.

This is a sign of a progressive society where both men and women can equally freak out or slog it out, depending on the situation and the environment. Those men who are mindful of this are a huge support for the women in their lives.

It is all about making memories together

Move over only making babies together, making memories is as important! Getaways, vacations, a quick picnic or a visit to an adventure park all are about far more than photos on your digital photo frame or 500 likes on FB.

It’s about sealing your own ‘time capsule’ of love. Women of this day are ready to go for that superhero movie and even enjoy it as much as men. We are no longer typecast with shopping and jewelry only.

Most couples today have certain common interests that would have got them together in the first place. The idea is to keep that ‘spark’ alive and create as many happy memories together as you can.

How does your relationship with your significant other differ from that of your parents? Do share in the comments below!

Top image via Shutterstock


About the Author

Ruchi Verma

Ruchi Verma Rajan is a woman on a mission of self-discovery. An avid reader since childhood, she grew up in the idyllic world of Enid Blyton and went on to devour the age old read more...

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