Dear You… It’s Not My Business To Make Love Grow In Your Heart

A broken relationship can lead to a lot of heartache. Here is a passionate letter from a woman to the man whom she loves, who has found someone else.

A broken relationship can lead to a lot of heartache. Here is a passionate letter from a woman to the man whom she loves, who has found someone else.

Dear you,

I don’t know when but I suddenly noticed that I have moved a mile, and I see a piece missing, not sure if it’s yours or mine. I don’t know how it happened and why but when I look back, the dots connect very indefinably. It is all blurry but then I understand that’s how it is supposed to be. I don’t know when you got off on the way and how I didn’t even realise you were actually missing but still held on to your hand in my mind. Your physical absence wasn’t felt until I knew my mental presence wasn’t with me.

Didn’t we like each other? Or was that my illusion of us? Where did it all go wrong? Did you try to analyse? Oh well, why would you, right? I was always there with you and for you and you being there with me was mistaken that you are there for me as well.

There is a difference isn’t there? Being there for me and with me has a huge difference between them. We all have so many people with us but merely very few are for us among them.

You were my distant best friend and yet my most loved lover. I saw so much of me in you but only now did I know that I was looking at my version of you and not you as such. Remember that dinner we all went to together? When I secretly wished for a spot to sit next to you? Also, the movie that we went to and I tried on ten different outfits to ensure I look my best. Why? Because I wanted to like myself thinking you will like me too. Silly, right? Well, who said love isn’t?

You know what? All those get-togethers, those group dinners, outings etc, I always longed to be around just you. The crowd didn’t seem to matter for me to make love to your eye. When you looked back at me, I thought it meant the same, but the stupid me forgot for a moment that eyes are primarily used to see people. While you saw me, I saw your soul. Well, it’s ok!

I locked myself indoors for days; I was ashamed to see anyone. People kept consoling me like I lost a dear one forever. I didn’t know if the feeling was similar, but the fact was that I was devastated. I wanted to hold hand-in-hand with you forever. See the sunrise and sunset with you beside me. I wanted to be the last face you see before you go to bed and the first… Oh well, you know the drill. There are way too many of social media content churning the same crap. Let me not bore you enough already!

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I wanted all of the above, there is no denial. But how long could I lock myself up within four walls? What was my objective? What was I thinking? No offence meant, but look at you all suited up for your next date and here I’m blowing my nose thinking of the so called never existed ‘US’. I need a slap from myself.

I still love you with all that passion and sincerity that I did when you were mentally present in my head. I really do. Just because I realised there is no scope of you to love me back doesn’t make mine a worthless one. I walked beside you and now I walk alone. I carried you with me all along, I must admit, you were a baggage at times!

There were times when I wanted to leave you behind. Times when I wanted to hand you over to someone else. Times when I wanted to push you from the bridge. Times when I wanted to burn you alive and warm myself on a cold winter morning. And then there were times when I wanted to carry you within me, within me in a place that was known only to me. A place right at the core of soul, the core that composes the music for the heartbeat…

You refused to stay there, it suffocated you. You didn’t like it. You didn’t belong there. You wanted to be set free, but I held on to you not knowing you were suffering. I didn’t know you wanted to walk beside me and not run within. Was I cruel to you? I’m sorry!

Love blinded my soul as well. I’m not sorry I loved you. It’s ok if you didn’t want to be a part of my journey. It’s ok if you wanted to get down in the middle. Maybe someone else’s journey was affordable for the soul you had. Maybe mine was a bit too expensive for you to travel in. That’s ok! I understand! I have learnt to live life without you in my mind.

I had my share of downs post my self-realisation of the non-existent you in my life. Actually when you think of it, it’s quite funny you know! Im breaking up with someone who had no relationship with me in the first place!

I’m glad love grew in my heart. It’s not my business to make it grow in yours. I’m content it grew in mine. It’s ok if you found someone else to fill the gap between your fingers. I’m only happy for you! Just because I realised ours was never a relationship doesn’t mean it can never be anything else at all in the future. I would still see you, talk to you, meet you and go out with you. But, you will remain just like how everybody else around me is.

You would be a part of my journey just like everybody else is, but not the destination. You’ll be my 3 am friend but not my 10 pm dream catcher. You’ll be a part of thoughts but not my soul stirrer. You’ll be my sunrise and sunset but not the rainbow. You’ll be the stars through the night but not my sky. You’ll be my tsunami but not the waterfalls. You’ll be all things nice but not all things magical. You’ll be my most precious diamond but not the pearl of my ocean. You’ll be you and I’ll be me.

Thanks for helping me grow love within me. Thanks for helping me realise I’m human enough too. Thank you for being a part of the journey in my soul. It’s time you leave, for the vacuum you created is the heaviest I have ever felt, so heavy that it makes me fly.

Thank you, for you will be the reason I will find love again…!


Image source: sad woman at the window by Shutterstock.


About the Author

sharada subramanian

Author of 'Make it 2'. Poet. Extremist. Feminist. Humanist. Mentalist. Filter kaapi and dark chocolate addict. read more...

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